King's Business - 1959-10

Have Bürde


L e t n o man despise thy youth,” was Paul’s exhortation to Timothy. This Scriptural charge is being ef­ fectively carried out through the ex­ tensive ministry of the Youth Directors Association of Southern California. This new organization has the goal of improving youth programs and meth­ ods in evangelical churches. The relatively new association in­ cludes all those who are actively w o r k i n g w i t h y o u n g people’s groups. It started as a fellowship among a few of the key leaders of the Los Angeles area. The interest gained immediate momentum until today the meetings are generally attended by 30 to 50 youth leaders in the area. The guiding hand behind the program development was the Rev. Royal Blue, Minister of Youth at the First Baptist Church of Van Nuys. Assisting him have been Mr. A1 Johnson, Youth Director of the First Baptist Church of Downey, and the incumbent presi­ dent of the organization, the Rev. Thomas L. Kerfoot, Assistant Pastor, North Redondo Chapel, Rje d o n d o Beach. The Y. D. A. program includes monthly luncheons at which time problems common to Youth Directors are discussed. The purpose of sharing ideas is held uppermost. If one has a particular problem, he is put in con­ tact with others who have also faced that particular situation. Sometimes “ brainstorming” sessions are held for more general needs. During the luncheons, sheets of paper are passed around on which those who have had successful meetings, those who have something particularly interesting, or those who have had special speakers, give their evaluation for the benefit of others. A semi-annual three day conference at Forest Home is also conducted with such well known speakers as Dr. J. Edwin Orr, Dr. Oran H. Smith and Rev. Louis Evans, Jr. participating. One of the high points for the young people of the various churches is an annual beach party which is held on Memorial Day north of Malibu, Calif. This actually is a huge track-meet on the beach attended by between 500 and 1,000 young people. A skating THE KING'S BUSINESS

Youth fellowship in action


Girl's double trio is featured at "Youth Round Up"

Various themes highlight social times. Here is a Gay Ninties party.. Below, young people gather for Easter breakfast at church. All photos have been supplied through the First Baptist Church of Van Nuys, Rev. Royal Blue, Minister of Youth.


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