King's Business - 1959-10

QUIZTIME Planting O ctober T ree s EXPLANATION As we enter the fall months we are es­ pecially reminded of the lovely trees which the Lord has made. Some re­ main green throughout the whole year, some are losing their leaves, and some are taking on the beau­ tiful autumn colors of brown and gold. And while we are being reminded of God’s beautiful trees, let us learn the names of some of the trees mentioned in God’s Word.

THROUGH THE BIBLE DAY - BY - DAY by F. B. M eyer A devotional com m entary series for those o f the Scriptures. A series o f brief, pointed comm ents guides the reader through the Bible in a few minutes each day. 7 com pact volum es over 1500 pages each x 6% $1.00 a vol. Com plete set, boxed, $8.00 Order from your bookstore or AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Dept. KTB60 1816 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pa.

Give the answers to each of the follow­ ing and the Scripture where each answer is to be found: QUESTIONS

1. The tree that a man of small stature climbed that he might see Jesus. 2. The tree from which a King’s son was hanged. 3. Two trees mentioned in Psalms 92. 4. The tree which will bare “ twelve manner of fruits.” 5. The ten trees at Elim where the children of Israel camped. 6. The trees which furnished the wood for making the ark of the Taber­ nacle. 7. David was told to go against the Philistines at the sound in the tops of which trees? 8. The tree whose leaves were withered by the Lord because it had no fruit — “nothing but leaves.” 9. The tree under which Elijah sat and an angel ministered unto him. 10. The name of the tree whose fruit Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat. 11. The tree under which the Lord saw Nathanael sitting. 12. The trees whose “ boughs” and “ branches” were waved at the Feast of Tabernacles. (ANSWERS ARE ON PAGE 44) EDITOR'S NOTE: Sharp eyed boys and girls caught an error in last month's quiz. "Twenty pieces of silver" was given as the clue to identify Judas when of course the correct answer should have been "Thirty pieces of silver."



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