King's Business - 1959-10

T h e soo n er youngsters learn that the world doesn’t owe them a liv­ ing the better off they are. Life lived to the full for the good of others, as well as self, calls for work. People could be convinced that true joy of living comes only to the degree or extent to which they give themselves to others there would surely be less frustration among people today. This holds true among unbelievers as well as Christians.” Daddy spoke with conviction out of a heart of experience. In his position as pastor and teacher he has grappled with the problems among men which have had their roots in selfishness. Our college boy spoke. The fellows I talk to have no intention of working their way up any ladder to greater heights. They plan, by hook or by crook, to start at the top. Where do they go from there?” “ I’m afraid there is no way to go but down, Bill. Not having the sup­ port, the “ feel,” the know-how which strengthen and give understanding to him on the way up, he has no “ scaf­ folding” to hold him up at the top until he has built sufficiently well to prove himself.” “ Daddy, there is another way to go instead of down.” A ll eyes were focused immediately upon the speaker. One can never tell how a nine year old is thinking, espe­ cially when that nine year old is Althea. “You don’t know more than Daddy, missy.” This from her eleven year old brother. “What do you mean, Sweetie?” Daddy never fails to listen with inter­ est and respect to his offspring when he senses a thoughtful mood. Shyly, but with confidence in her Daddy’s understanding the little blonde thinker replied: “You can go either to the left or to the right.” The family now found itself dis­ cussing the limitations of moving only to the left or right. The general con­ sensus was that such movement is unstable. No life can be built on instability. Mother got busy and looked up all (Concluded on Page 55)

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