King's Business - 1959-10

Accent on Youth

with Ken Poure starts with the second birth and con­ tinues until they see Jesus face to face, and that the speed of that growth depends upon their willingness to do “ these things.” Few realize that spiritual growth comes only as we are obedient to the Lord. James tells us to count it all joy when our faith is tested, for it is through these tests that we choose to obey God and to grow thereby. 3) The last key is the fact that it is possible to keep from falling. I know some will say, “You can’t live with­ out sin.” I agree, but we can live without sinning, and if we should happen to slip we have an Advocate to help us. If sinless perfection in the flesh is heresy, how much more is “ sinful imperfection” . Dear reader, there is a way out of the wilderness of sin and that way is Jesus, the Cap­ tain of our salvation, who came in the likeness of sinful flesh, that we might have victory in our daily lives over sin. “ And sin shall not have dominion over you” (Romans 6:14). When a young person knows and experiences living faith, learns to study daily the source of faith (the Bible), realizes that obedience is faith in action, and practices the teaching of the Scripture concerning moment- by-moment victory over sin, then this verse will be fulfilled — “ For if ye do these things ye shall never fall ” Player No. 1 of side “ B” then re­ turns the ball to side “A,” and player No. 2 on side “A ” then plays it, and so forth. Each player in turn hits the ball, lays the paddle down and pro­ gresses around the table. The player who fails to return the ball or misses a serve, drops out, and the game con­ tinues. The side with the greatest number then starts the serve and progresses as before. When only two players are left, they do not progress around the table, but stay on their respective sides and play for the win­ ning point. For example, if the sur­ vivor on side “ B” fails to return the ball to his opponent, then his oppon­ ent wins the game. Your suggestions on Church Recre­ ation are invited. Send them to Jim Slevcove, King’s Business, 558 S. Hope S t, Los Angeles 17, Calif. CHURCH RECREATION (Continued from Page 46)


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mÊÊmÊmmWÊMu Ken Poure

I want to rededicate my life again. I did it last year, but I couldn’t hold out.” . . . The camping experience is a wonderful time in the lives of our Christian youth. Of all the events we have for our teenagers during the year, I believe that the “week in the woods” can be the most profitable. My personal experience was that of going to church for twenty years, thinking that I was a Christian simply because I had participated in church ordi­ nances and attended services regular­ ly, but, praise the Lord! through my first camping experience I came to know the living Christ. Yes, the Christian camp can be one of the finest life-forming tools at our disposal; however, there has been rea­ son for great concern on the part of spiritual leaders over the type of testi­ mony cited at the beginning of this article. Every camp seems to have a large number who never get “ into orbit,” spiritually speaking. There is no simple formula or “ spiritual trick” which can solve this situation, but there is an answer. In 2 Peter 1:5-10, we find a list of things to add to our Christian lives and a promise which reads, “ If ye do these things ye shall never fall.” I would like to point out three truths related to this portion of Scripture that are real keys in solving the problem at hand. 1) Faith is the foundation to which all Spiritual qualities are added. And let us not pass over this thought too quickly. It is a tragedy to find Chris­ tian teachers and leaders taking for granted that John or Mary has saving faith just because they have learned to talk a Christian “ lingo.” If some of your young people are saying, “ I have faith,” but have no works of faith, they are deceiving themselves and the truth is not in them (James 1:22, 2:14). If someone says, “ I know Jesus,” but does not keep His com­ mandments, that person is a liar (I John 2:4). Be very careful that your young people have a living faith! 2) “ For if ye do these things . . . Our teenagers must realize that “ growing up” spiritually is a progres­ sive matter, an active process, which



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