Board Converting News, August 14, 2023

AF&PA: Cardboard Recycling Rate Jumps To 93.6 Percent

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) an- nounced that nearly 68 percent of paper consumed in the United States (67.9 percent) was recycled in 2022. The paper recycling rate held approximately steady to the 2021 rate and has remained consistently high. The pa- per recycling rate has met or exceeded 63 percent each year since 2009. The industry first voluntarily set a goal to help improve paper recycling back in the 1990s. The recycling rate has more than doubled since that time. In 2022, the recycling rate for old corrugated contain- ers (OCC), also known as cardboard, was 93.6 percent, an increase over last year’s rate. Meanwhile, the 3-year average (2020-2022) for OCC was 91.3 percent. “Paper and cardboard continue to be some of the most-recycled material in the U.S.,” said AF&PA President and CEO Heidi Brock. “Paper recycling is also one of the best examples of how we, as a society, are working to respect our environ- ment and contribute to a circular economy.” The paper industry has completed or announced near- ly $7 billion in manufacturing investments from 2019-2025 that will use more than 9 million tons of recovered fiber.


August 14, 2023

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