Dizionario Enciclopedico di Psicoanalisi dell'IPA

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Freud, S. (1910). Die zukünftigen Chancen der psychoanalytischen Therapie. GW 8, S. 104- 115 . Freud, S. (1912-1913). Totem und Tabu . GW IX. Freud, S. (1914a). Erinnern, Wiederholen und Durcharbeiten. GW , S. 126-136. Freud, S. (1920). Jenseits des Lustprinzips. GW 13, S. 1-69. Freud, S. (1923a). Das Ich und das Es. GW 13, S. 237-289. Federn, P. (1952). Ego Psychology and the Psychoses . New York: Basic Books. Gibeault, A. (2014). Enactment: mise en acte et/ou mise en scène. Revue française de psychanalyse. 78:1648-1653. Godfrind-Haber, J., Haber, M. (2002). L'expérience agie partagée. Revue française de psychanalyse . 66: 1417-1460. Greenberg, J. and Mitchell, S. (1983). Object Relations In Psychoanalytic Theory. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. Grinberg, L. (1957). Perturbaciones en la interpretación por la contraidentificación proyectiva. Revista de Psicoanálisis 14:23-30. Grinberg, L. (1962). A specific aspect of countertransference due to the patient’s projective identification. Int J Psycho-Anal, 43:436-440. Gus, M. (2007). Acting, enactment e a realidade psíquica em cena no tratamento analítico de estruturas borderlines. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise 41:45-53. Hirsch, I. (1998). The concept of enactment and theoretical convergence. Psychoanal Q, 67:78- 100. Hoffman, I.Z. (1994). Dialectical thinking and therapeutic action in the psychoanalytic process. Psychoanal. Q., 63:187-218. Ivey, G. (2008). Enactment controversies: A critical review of current debates. Int J Psycho- Anal, 89 : 19-38. Jacobs, T. (1986). On countertransference enactments. J Amer Psychoanal Assoc , 34: 289-307. Jacobs, T. (1991). The Use of the Self: Countertransference and Communication in the Analytic Situation. Madison, CT: Int. Univ. Press. Jacobs, T.J. (2001). On Misreading and Misleading Patients: Some Reflections on Communications, Miscommunications and Countertransference Enactments. Int J Psycho- Anal, 82: 653-669. Joseph, B. (1992). Psychic change: some perspectives . Int J Psycho-Anal , 73:237-43. Katz, G. (2014). The Play Within the Play. The Enacted Dimension of PsychoanalyticProcess. Hove: Rouledge.


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