Dizionario Enciclopedico di Psicoanalisi dell'IPA

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Bion, W.R. (1973c) Attenzione e Interpretazione . Roma, Armando [Attention and Interpretation. London, Tavistock. (1970] Bion, W.R. (2017) Riflettendoci meglio . Roma, Astrolabio. [Second Thoughts. Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis . London, Karnac. (1984).] Bion, W. R. (1996) Pensieri . Roma. Armando, [ Cogitations . London, Karnac. (1992)]. Britton, R (2006). Credenza ed immaginazione . Roma. Borla. [Belief and Imagination, London: Routledge. (1998)] Brunet, L. (2010). Limites, transferts archaïques et fonctions contenantes . In Les psychoses.Traité de psychopathologie de l’adulte . C. Chabert, ed., Paris: Dunod, 133-172. Caper, R. (1999). A Mind of One’s Own, London: Routledge. Cassorla, RMS (2013). When the Analyst Becomes Stupid. An Attempt to Understand

Enactment Using Bion’s Theory of Thinking. Psychoanal Q, 82: 323-360. De M’Uzan, M. (1994). La Bouche de l’inconscient . Paris, Gallimard.

Green, A. (1996) Il lavoro del negativo . Roma. Borla. [The Work of the Negative . London: Free Association Books(1999). Le Travail du Négatif. Paris, Les Edition du Minuit, 1993] Grotstein, J.S. (1981). Wilfred R. Bion: The Man, the Psychoanalyst, The Mystic. A perspective on his life and work. Contemporary Psychoanal ., 17:501-536 Grotstein, J. (2005). 'Projective Transidentification': An Extension of the Concept of Projective Identification. Int. J. Psycho-Anal. , 86: 1051-1069. Grotstein, J. (2011a). Recensione su Harris Williams, M. (2010) Bion's Dream: A Reading of the Autobiographies . By Meg Harris Williams. London, Karnac, 2010. 131 pp. Psychoanalytic Quarterly , 80:504-510. Grotstein, J. (2011b). The Psychoanalytic Covenant: The Hidden Order of Transference and Countertransference. 2011 Franz Alexander Lecture, Sponsored by the New Center for Psychoanalysis. Friday March 25, 2011. Jaques, E. (1960). Disturbances in the Capacity to Work. International Journal of Psycho- Analysis , 41:357-367. Joseph, B. (1991) Equilibrio e cambiamento psichico . Milano,Cortina [Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic Change, London, Routledge. (1989)] Klein, M. (1978). Note su alcuni meccanismi schizoidi. In Scritti 1921-1958, &Torino, Boringhieri, 1978 [Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms. International Journal of Psycho- Analysis , 27:99-110]. Lopez Corvo, R.E. (2006). Dizionario dell’opera di Wilfred R.Bion . Roma, Borla [Diccionario de la obra de Wilfred R. Bion. Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2002].


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