King's Business - 1954-03




For the Child. Evangelism in His Language see page 15



Here is an unusual presentation of the dramatic story of restless Korea coupled with the great message of salvation and hope in Jesus Christ. Filmed during the closing days of the Korean conflict and the time of the truce signing at Panmunjom, the horrors of war and the wreckage left in its wake are vividly presented. The historic signing of the truce is a highlight of the film which gives one of the most complete coverages available of the event. The picture also gives an accurate presentation of the hardships and needs of the restless Korean people. This outstanding c o lo r film is o ffe r ed b y the B ib le in stitu te o f Los A n g eles, In c . to churches and oth er group s on a F R E E W I L E O F F E R IN G « VM S


1 ®

1 Saw Petra India's Sorrow Jungle Indians

1 Saw Borneo

m ; 11 H vis ì fm -, mm■ 1 1

Gateway to Asia


Opportunity Unlimited

Film Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 South Hope Street, Lot Angeles 17, Calif.

Be a Thief, but not a Protestant!

friend, he managed to escape. In another instance, a b e lie v in g fa m ily was fined 5,000 pesetas ($125.00) for conducting a Protestant funeral for their six-year-old who had just died. The material need o f Spain is as desperate as her spiritual need. The poverty stricken peas­ antry, the gypsies, the countless beggars, and the cave dwellers stun the minds and hearts o f the on-lookers. The material difficulties o f life would be somewhat alleviated if the masses had freedom

It happened in Spain! A boy brought a New Testament one day to the village priest to be burned. Before the priest decided to burn it, he thought to himself, "It won’t do any harm if, for a change, I read this Protestant literature.” In reading it, the Holy Spirit convicted him o f the Truth that is in Christ Jesus and he was saved. When the priest told his mother the news, she replied, "MY SON, BE A THIEF, BE A DRUNKARD , BE A CRIMINAL, BUT NO T A PROTESTANT!” This, then, is the story o f Spa in ; Spain the land o f churches— ROMAN CATH ­ OLIC CHURCHES! As one travels through this poverty stricken land, one can almost hear the moan o f its neglected people living under the yoke o f the despotic Romish system. This is Spain, where it is said there are only eight to ten thousand KNOWN evangeli­ cal believers out o f a popula­ tion o f 28,000,000; and where only on e -th ird o f the 200 evangelical churches in existence are allowed to remain open. It is a land where to follow Christ means persecution and possible martyrdom. In a South­ ern Spanish city, some 20 Roman Catholic youths entered an evangelical church and attempted to BURN THE PASTOR ALIVE! They attacked the church building, and forced out the young people who were inside with the pastor. But the young people o f the church fought against their attackers and rescued their beloved pastor. In spite o f their brave defense, the pastor and his son were injured and part o f the church furniture was burned. Not long ago, a young ex-priest who had only been saved three months received word that his mother was seriously ill and that he should return home. As he neared his home, a friend warned him that his mother was in good health, but that some Roman Catholic youth were wait­ ing to attack him. Through the warning o f his

o f worship and o f speech. But in Spain, this does not exist. SPAIN NEEDS THE BI­ BLE, THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD. We who are privileged to live in a land where there is true religious liberty, should ever be willing to share our spiritual blessings with those in other lands, such as Spain, where religious lib­ erty is denied. It is the earnest desire of the European Evange listic Crusade to give the Spanish people the Gospel o f our Lord

Just one of the twenty-eight million in Spain who so desperately need the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

and Saviour, Jesus Christ, through the distribu­ tion o f Bibles, New Testaments and Christian literature. We need YOUR prayers and YOUR support in this important soul-saving ministry. HELP US TO GIVE THEM THE TRUTH — THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE. Please address all gifts and correspondence to: Please cut off here and mail ; (The Bible for Spain) j I Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S. : : EUROPEAN EVANGELIST IC CRUSADE, INC ., \ ■ Member Mission I.F.M .A. ■ : 811 Westview Street,Philadelphia 19, Pa. j ; Dear Sir: : ■ With a glad and willing heart I enclose ■ ■ $ ........... .......................... to help bring the Gospel : ■ to Spain. ; ; N am e ............................................................................. ’ S tree t.............................................................. -............... ■ : City ................................... ■ ■ Zone ................... State ............................................ :


M A R C H 1 9 5 4



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Rel volt flares in East Berlin . angry mobs defy Russian machine guns with cobblestones . . . thousands daily flee the Communist terror to West Berlin . . . American food parcels —and Bibles too—are torn from the hungry, oppressed masses. Enmeshed in the tumult o f Berlin, island o f freedom behind the Iron Curtain, Communist-minded Erika Reiner finally realizes that Christianity is the only answer!


EXCLUSIVE East Berlin film of the world-shaking I June 17 riots. SMUGGLED PICTURES of Communist war-trained I youth groups. GRIPPING DRAMA of today's mightiest conflict— COMMUNISM vs CHRISTIANITY.

tb a f i i l m e e e 'tty iJ& m e 'iic c e n b / t c u l d b e e / Churches Schools Civic O rganizations Make your bookings now.


Providence 8, Rhode Island

Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Voi. 45, No. 3

MARCH, 1954

Established 1910

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT

ARTICLES THE LOST RING— A True Prayer Story— D. A. Taylor ................... 11 SEVEN STEPS TO SUCCESS— Jack Wyrtzen and Edwin R. Anderson 12 THE UNIQUENESS OF CHRISTIANITY— G. Raymond White ......... 14 REACHING OUR CHILDREN FOR CHRIST— Photo Story .......... ... 15 IF PAUL APPLIED TO A MISSIONARY SOCIETY ............................. 30 CAPSULE COURSE FOR CHRISTIANS— Betty Bruechert ................... 38 PARDON— Poem— Wm. Wallace Ellis ............................................... ... 47 FEATURES READER REACTION ...................... ............................................................. 6 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ....................................................................... 8 WORLD NEWSGRAMS—-James O. Henry .............................................. 18 WORDS FROM THE WORD— Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 19 OUT OF THE LAB— Donald S. Robertson .............................................. 20 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING— Gerald B. Stanton ............................. 21 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ........................................................ 22 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE— Paul M. Aijian ................................................. 24 HYMNS YOU LOVE— Phil Kerr ................................................................ 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS— Martha S. Hooker .................................. 26 TALKING IT OVER— A psychologist answers— Clyde Narramore 28 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS— Oran H. Smith ......................................... 29 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................... 32 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTIONBOX ................................................................... 33 IN CHRIST IS LIFE— What Is Your Religion? ....................................... 35 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF— Althea S. Miller ........................ 49 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ................................................................................. 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ......... 40 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS— Chester J. Padgett .................................. 41 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS— Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 44 OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L.Wilder ........................................................ 48 COVER The youngster on this month's cover is a Jewish lad pictured while attending a Bible study class in Los Angeles. For a photo story on reaching children for Christ see pages 15-17. — Photo : Lloyd Hamill


managing editor LLOYD HAMILL

copy editor ROSE HARDIE

editorial assistant LUCY R. REDMOND advertising manager MILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA KINTER business .manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Charles L. Feinberg Martha S. Hooker « Glenn F. O'Neal • Donald 5. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry > Margaret Jacobsen Chester J. Padgett • ♦ Oran H. Smith

Entered bs second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act o f March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28,: 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October l , 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

"The King's Business," Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—For information address the Advertising Manoger, 558 . South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed-to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs. of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or, post office money order payable to


^ W f ^ ^ P S r Y n COURSE - ' ^ m m m Ü H Í E l gospel light press .


Sirs: In your Jan. In Christ Is L ife col­ umn signed by Mr. Hamill and en­ titled, “What Kind of a Heart Do You Have?” there is an exposition based on what Christ said about the human heart in the fourth chapter of Mark. You say “ It is choice not chance that determines the kind of heart we have.” You oppose yourself and deny the Word. Was it by His choice that one man had a hard heart? Is it by your own choice that any truth was given to you? Never! Was it by your choice that Satan takes away the Word that is sown in some hearts? Was it by your own choice that it was ever giv­ en to you to believe . . . or to have , faith to be saved? Tell me, was it by your so-called free-will choice that you were chosen . . . before the foun­ dation of the world? Or—were you? Maybe you are not one of God’s elect. If salvation is by the sinner’s choice, then it is not by God’s grace. In that case, on with the dance. Hoop-la! The sinner’s choice is king of kings and lord of lords. You speak of your two-column article as a “ gospel tract.” Not one word sets forth the love of God, the goodness of God, the grace of God, the mercy of God as of His having bought us with the precious blood of Christ, as having purchased us by His vicarious atoning death. Not one word speaks of Calvary in any manner of phraseology, which proves that your referral to “ gospel” is that “ another gospel” inspired by the serpent making you one of the accursed . . . Cry to God that He may give you repentance to recover yourself from the devil’s captivity. Redlands, Calif. Leon B. Mayer For this m onths “ In Christ Is Life” column see Page 35.— Ed. SOMETHING DIFFERENT Sirs: I don’t know who is responsible for K in g ’ s B u sin e ss “ new look,” but I do want to write this note of con­ gratulations. The magazine is much more attractive, more readable, and of more interest, it seems to me, to the general public. The January issue has just come to my desk, and I especially liked your unique cover page. It has that “ something differ­ ent,” which we like here at Bob Jones University. Bob Jones, Jr. Greenville, S.C. President, Bob Jones Univ.

Again Gospel Light authors, editors, and artists have originated a wonderful new Vacation Bible School curriculum, combining essential Bible teaching with a theme that captures the child's imagination. “ Pioneer­ ing with Christ” is a companion course to “ Crusading with Christ” and "Sailing with Christ” : Its purpose! To acquaint little children with Jesus Christ and teach them to love Him! • To win young people for Christ • To develop Christian character. Its many advantages! Bible-centered, child-con- 'cemed • Missionary in emphasis • One appeal­ ing, unifying theme . Carefully adapted to each age group • Ideal for all schools—large or small. Its lour correlated courses ! “ F irst S teps WITH J e su s ” —Pre-school • “ A d v e n tu r in g w it h C hrist ” — Primary • “ O n the T rail w ith C hrist ” —Junior • “ P ioneers of F aith ” —Young People. Its lull-color, illustrated materials! “ P ioneer ’ s G uide ” — A handbook giving full de­ tails on how to organize and conduct a Vacation BibleSchool,includingteachertrainingsuggestions. PUPIL’S BOOK—Daily activities, based on the Bible lesson, music, craft projects, memory work, attendance record, pioneer tag. TEACHER’S BOOK—Complete instructions for each part of the daily program and an outline of the closing program. VISUAL AIDS—Brand new ideas for each age group. Extra large figures for illustrating lesson truths! PUBLICITY AIDS— “ Pioneer” posters, post­ card mailers, dodgers, self-mailer invitation for closing program, and certificates. Rush Immediately! ( c a s h e n c l o s e d ) □ One "Pioneering with Christ" Sample Kit @ $2.25 ■□ "Pioneer's Guide" 45^ each □ Free brochure with complete details Address Correspondence to Dept. K B 3 NAM E_______________ ;________________________ STREET____________________ CITY___________________ Z O N E — STATE_________ CHURCH______ Check □ One: Pastor □ Sup't. □ Teacher . □ □ Worker Other

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GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1214 South Brand Blvd., Glendale 4, California Box 1607, Mound, Minn.




PROMOTES EVANGELISM IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL “ One o f the best tools o f evangelism for the Sunday School is the Scripture Press Cradle Roll Course,” says a pastor o f a growing church in a middle-size town. As proof o f this pudding, the pastor can point to a Sunday School which has doubled its size in three years—and at the same time contributed considerably to the growth o f the church. This story is being told many times over today as churches o f all denomina­ tions use the exciting new All-Bible Cradle Roll Course. It is complete in every way, including a series o f letters directed to the parents o f new-born babies, special-day cards, a diploma and special instructions #to the Cradle Roll superintendent. For the church and Sunday School that wants to grow today, the All-Bible Cradle Roll Course is the answer. SUNDAY SCHOOL PAPERS HIT KIDS WHERE THEY LIVE Already famous the world over are the two Scripture Press Sunday School papers slanted to meet the reading demands of teen agers—Power (high school and young p eop le ) and My Counsellor (junior high). Power is a perfect tie-in with the new Senior or high school ABGS Sunday School lessons to reach the high school students where they are today. As a worker in a home-missions effort in Manitoba, Canada, says, "We think your paper Power is a wonderful asset in reaching and keeping the young people around here.” A student on the East Coast says, "I have greatly enjoyed reading Power. In fact, it helped to lead me to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour and to live for Him.” CURIOUS FACTS ABOUT HANDWORK MATERIALS Intriguing VBS handwork projects are designed for the 1954 All-Bible Vacation School Lessons. Each project requires only a small amount o f material, but the total materials used by all pupils for one summer reaches a staggering figure. According to Scripture Press, hundreds o f thousands o f pupils using ABVS this year will use for a variety o f projects—a total o f 3,030,000 sq. ft. or 2 V 2 carloads o f construction paper, as well as 17 miles o f flannel. For special projects such as wallets, pupils will use 337,000 sq. ft. o f imita­ tion leather and 162 miles o f lacing. Making the attractive telephone index

Newspapers across the coun­ try today tell frightening stories o f high school students on a rampage o f crime and lawless­ ness. Timed perfectly to meet the demand for reaching these teen agers with the Gospel o f Christ, Scripture Press has com ­ pletely revamped the Senior A l l -B ib le G ra d ed Sunday School lessons. As a result, Sunday School teachers today find these stream­ lined, hard-hitting, Bible-cen­ tered lessons are what they need to lead high school students into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. The new lessons are prepared by young p e op le ’ s leaders— men and women who know the problems o f youth today and who know the only solution to those p rob lem s , the L ord Jesus Christ. T E EN S L IK E L ES SO N S Alberta, Canada— “My Sen­ ior girls and I are enjoying your very excellent course. It seems to deal with the very things that young people are asking to know about; and it has been a real blessing to my own heart as I prepare and teach these lessons.”

pads, youngsters will use 11,500 sq. ft. or 700 lbs. o f aluminum foil, 750,000 screws, 125,000 hinges and enough tag stock tomore thancover alarge city block. These two projects alone will require 48,000 bottles or 300 gallons o f lacquer for decorations. NEW VISUAL AIDS JUST RELEASED Two new Suede-graph visual aids (for the flannelboard) have been released by Scripture Press. Both titles have been requested repeatedly by Sunday School teachers across the Nation. Jonah Suede-graph contains the com­ plete story o f this rebellious prophet in five scenes. Eight pages o f suede-backed figures help tell the story. Naaman Suede-graph tells the story o f the great Syrian captain who learned about the true God from a little maid. Eight moving scenes are depicted with six pages o f suede-backed figures. Figures for both stories are in color, and are die-cut. Each sells at $1.25.


Dept. KBA-34

Yes, please send me Immediately free information on the following: f~| New Senior (High School) All-Bible Graded Lessons

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Colorful Sunday School papers

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All-Bible Cradle Roll Course



M A R C H 1 9 5 4

fromthe editor’s desk


Future Trends m here recently appeared a booklet entitled, College Age Population I Trends, 1940-1970. It was prepared under the direction of Ohio State University and constituted a report to the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. The report is particular­ ly significant to all who are in any way connected with institutions of higher learning, in that the statistics are given which show the predicted college-age population trends during the next fifteen or sixteen years. These predictions are based, not upon mere speculation, but upon the sober facts of the present population of babies and pre-kindergarten school-age children in the various states. Then the compilation of all this data is given on a national scale. If present trends continue, it has been discovered that the five Far Western States, namely, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Arizona, will lead the nation in percentage of increase of college population between now and 1970. By 1970, there will be more than twice as many college-age young people in these five states as there are at the present time. This presents "a mighty challenge to all institutions of higher learning in this population area. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, is planning a long-range program designed for the purpose of providing thorough Christian training for as many young people as can possibly be accommodated. Tremendous opportunities lie ahead. There are also extremely heavy responsibilities. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has depended, during its entire history, largely upon the gifts of God’s people in carrying out its program of providing the very best possible training for the hun­ dreds of students who attend each year. Contrary to the belief of some people, the school has no endowment fund whatever. Expenses are met by gifts of earnest Christian people who are vitally interested in seeing young people trained for the coming generation of Christian work. By far the greater number of gifts are small in amount, but as someone has said, little is much if God is in it. All who are connected with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are profoundly grateful for the thousands of friends of the school whom God has raised up who are remembering this work regularly before the throne of grace and who are translating their interest in the work into tangible support of it. The Board of Directors of this great institution is fully alert to the oncoming increase of potential students, and is making every effort to provide thorough training for all whom the Lord directs toward this school of the prophets. Ten Cents R ecently we looked over a report by the Pocket Testament League that showed this organization has already given out 1 y2 million Gospels of John in Korea. Cost per Gospel: 10 cents. The Gospels are bringing comfort to thousands of heart-hungry people who lost everything in the war. The Gospels are also being pressed into use in Korea’s schools. During the three long years of war, textbooks were destroyed along with schoolbuildings and equipment. In some schools, teachers and students have received Korean Gospels and are now using these little books in classroom studies. One of the most important points of distribution is veterans’ hospitals. Thousands of sick and wounded men, permanently maimed by war, lie in these crowded, ill-equipped hospitals with little hope of ever again leading normal, useful lives. To these men, the news of salvation and of the love and peace of God is like an oasis in the desert.

• The ABC N e tw o rk 8:00 a.m. in each time zone Sunday • The M u tua l N e tw o rk

10:00 a.m. EST Sunday 9:00 a.m. CST Sunday 8:00 a.m. MST Sunday 9:00 a.m. PST Sunday

Write today for your FREE radio log THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS P. O. Box 22 Grand Rapids Michigan

” Personalize 9 your invitation to others to listen to the BACK TO THE BIBLE BROADCAST!

• We have prepared beautifully per­ sonalized invitations for your use. _ Each state schedule gives all the stations that can be heard in that particular state. In this way any­ one who receives an invitation will know just when the broadcast can be heard in this area. • Write today for your own free copy for your state. • These schedules are free to you for prayerful distribution. Vou may have as many as you can use for your state or any other state which you indicate. They are handy for mailing or for personal presentation.



A Letter to the Editor This lodcr Just canto to our Editorial Department. We want to »hare it with yon . .

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Her whole life was changed

0 n the preceding page we have reproduced a letter about a young woman whose whole life has been changed. It’s the kind of letter we believe will thrill your heart as it has ours. It is a vivid demonstration of what God will do when we are willing to be used. A magazine is something that lives on. Many back copies o f K ing ’ s vB usiness are still read after 10, 20, 30, yes, even 40 years. Many of you have found the K ing ’ s B usiness is an inexpensive way of proclaiming the gospel. Some of you

may not know that the K ing ’ s B usiness magazine is a non-profit Christian work. Because it is a non-profit enterprise we have been able to keep the price below what it would be otherwise. We know of no other lead­ ing evangelical magazine that sells for under $3.00 a year. K ing ’ s B usiness is still only $2.50. And when you order three or more subscriptions it’s only $2.00 each. Won’t you definitely pray about giving at least one gift order? Thank you for your faithful partnership in this magazine ministry for our Lord and Saviour.


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King’s Business Magazine 5 5 8 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 1 7 , Calif.


A True Story on Prayer

Dare we disturb God about little things?

W hat I am about to relate will be looked on no doubt by many who read this, as a lucky incident, but to me it was and is, the intervention of God to fulfill his promise, “ Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will succor thee.” It is now 58 years since this hap­ pened. My boss, for whom I was going to cook in the woods that win­ ter, lived 60 miles up the river, and as there were no roads in those days near his farm, except the portage in winter, our supplies were taken up­ river by scowing. Our scow was out of the ordinary, being fitted with a tent, cook-stove and bedding so that we were more or less self-sustaining. As the boss had a brother living on a farm 15 miles from town, we de­ cided to spend the first night there, as it would be more comfortable than sleeping on the scow. At the time I was wearing a ring I had persuaded a girl to let me have until I should see her in the spring. This ring she prized very much, it having been given to her by her brother who had recently returned from the Klondyke, and had it made out of gold from his first prospect. Having arrived at our first stop we made fast ashore where a beach stretched about 200 yards to the house where we were going to pass the night. After we had supper I washed the dishes, fixed things for the night. The days were short, and by this time it was already dark. After finishing my Your prayer requests. It has been said that God Is as great in minuteness as He is in magnitude. We believe there is no request too small if we but come to Him

chores I followed the men up to the house, walking over the beach-rocks as best I could in the dark. I lay down in bed after thanking God for His blessings and protection of the day. As I pulled the covers up around my neck, I felt my little finger for my ring as was my custom. The ring was missing. I was stricken with consternation, Where had I lost it? It surely must be about my person, or in the scow. I thought, “ If I have dropped it com­ ing across the beach, it is really gone.” I lit the lamp and frantically

and lighting matches I frantically searched every likely spot I could think of, even to looking over the side of the scow where I had thrown the dish water, but there was no sign of that little gold circle. As the ring was too large for my little finger and too small for the next one, the wearing of it kept me more or less in hot water. Thinking back I could remember having it on my finger when I washed the dishes, after that I could not remember till I missed it in bed. By now all my hopes had been blotted out and I did not know where to turn. Suddenly, those words came to mind, “ Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will succor thee.” “ Lord,” I fervently said, “ You know my plight better than I can explain it; I know You can help me if You will, so I am leaving all in Your hands.” A wonderful calm took the place of my nervous condition and I was able to decide on returning to the house to try and get some much needed rest. Disconsolately I started back and had got about halfway across the beach, when I heard the unmistakable tinkle, and a voice seemed to say, “ There is your ring.” With trembling fingers I lit a match and there it lay shining in the semi-darkness. I shall never forget the thankfulness that threatened to choke me, and to this day I can still bathe in the freshness of this direct answer to prayer END. individually. We shall count it a priv­ ilege to take your request to the throne of grace. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17. 11

searched the bed-clothes until my mate angrily asked, “What’s all the commotion about?” I did not reply but silently pulling on my clothes, I made my way down to the scow in child-like faith. He cares and He is able. Each morning the editorial staff of King's Business gathers for prayer. Each request that comes in is prayed for

M A R C H 1 9 5 4

By «lack Wyrtzen & Edwin It. Anderson

u ere graphically outlined are seven simple acts of the will

that can be stepping stones to success in the Christian life

T| id you ever hear of, or read a book 11called, How to Fail ? Of course not, for no such book has ever, or will ever, be printed! No one really wants to fail, deep down in his heart. No one wants to be a wash-out, to be looked down upon as a has-been, or as a mark-misser. For that reason, you will find plen­

should like to pursue. And then, when we achieve our objective, we concen­ trate all our efforts in order to be a success, to advance to thé top rung on the ladder. Now then, tell me, if this is true for everything in life, do you think it should be any different for the greatest, the most important job in

ty of books on the subject of, How to Be a Success. There are even high- priced courses being offered on the subject, giving secrets to success in various fields of work. Isn’t this true of everything in life? For example, we go to school to study in order to prepare ourselves to be a success in the work which we



that way! The Lord Jesus Christ said, “Who­ soever therefore shall confess me be­ fore men, him will I confess also be­ fore my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32). And Paul was right behind his Saviour when he tells us, “ For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto sal­ vation” (Rom. 10:10). There you have it; a tasting heart equals a telling mouth. By personal experience I can hon­ estly say that there is nothing which so strengthens and encourages and builds up the Christian life as this matter of confessing Christ, of wit­ nessing for Him, of telling others what He has done for you, what He means to you. What a real blessing you get from it. I remember an old preacher saying, “ If we make a good deal of Christ,- He will make a great deal of us.” It’s tragic . . . and terrible . .-. that so many have bogged down right at this practical point. Here is one place where the old saying, “ Silence is golden,” is a devil’s lie. Let’s not be like that old Sphinx lying there in the dust of Egypt of whom it is oft­ en said, “What secrets she would re­ veal if she could only speak.” Re­ member, the closed mouth leads to the open pit of failure. Concentration . . . Be Studying “ Search the Scriptures” (John 5:- 39). The old devil, the everlasting enemy of our souls, never sleeps. For a long time he tried every trick of his trade to keep you from becoming a Christian, from ever beginning this great and glorious new life. But now that you have been “ delivered . . . from the power of darkness and . . . translated . . . into the kingdom of his dear Son” (Col. 1:13), do you think he gives up, calls quits, leaves you alone? Not on your life— and how well you know it, if you are a genuine Christian. Now remember this. Satan will try one of two things to trip you along the way, and land you in the pit of failure. Note them carefully as we come to our third step, concentration. Either he will try to hold you back bv waving the so-called pleasures of this world before you . . . or he will trv to push you into the fog of fan­ aticism. That old deceiver (Rev. 12:9) has had plenty of practice along this line. What does this mean to us? Only one thing . . . we need to keep in the middle of the road with Christ, a sure and safe and proven guide. Everything leads right up to this . . . concentration. And what are we go- continued on page 34 13

in operation impossible . . . trying to live this new Christian life in the old Christless heart, which God says is “ dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). Only the Lord Jesus Christ gives the “power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). Do you see? are you saved . . . are you sure? Are you on the right track? Remem­ ber, it’s regeneration — not religion; it’s Calvary—not church or creed; it’s the precious blood of the Son of God —not the books of the sons of men. You are on the right track, you say. Good. That makes success sure, for everything will be worked out according to “ Christ in you” (Col. 1:27), not you in yourself. Perhaps some of you are on the right track, but have slipped off to the side. You’ve grown cold, gone back, lost your first love (Revelation 2:4), made a mess out of things. Now is the time to about-face, confess your sins, and buckle down to business. The time is short, the hour is late, and real Christians have never been so desperately needed as right now. Remember, it’s only in the saints that sinners will see the Saviour, so let’s all get on the ball, and start right. Confession . . . Be Speaking “ Confess with thy mouth” (Rom. 10:9). Have you ever had a thrilling experience—meeting someone special or being in on something big? Sure, we’ve all had them, and how real they were! And what did we do about it? Did we keep it to ourselves, lock it up deep inside, where no one would ever know about it? Not if it were the real thing. Why, we just went out and told everybody about it, we shouted from the housetops, we just couldn’t help it. We couldn’t keep it to ourselves, for it just doesn’t keep that way. It’s the same in the Christian life. It certainly was a happy day when Jesus washed all our sins away, was­ n’t it? What a marvelous moment when that heavy load of sin just rolled away at the foot of the Cross; not bit-by-bit and year-by-year, but all at once. Why, it seems almost too good to he true. If you are a real Christian, you cannot keep it to yourself. It’s no secret that what God has done for you, He can do for others . . . and this brings ps to our second step in this business of making a success in the Christian life . . . confession. The first was commencement , you remem­ ber, the need of beginning the right way, and now this second step, con­ fession, follows right behind in logi­ cal order. In fact, when the first is appropriated, this second will be auto­ matic . . . it just can’t help being

the world . . . that of living the Christian life? Should it not be just as important . . . and even more so . . . to plan, to work, to be concerned about being a success in this? How important in the sight of God, for the benefit of the souls ever about us, as well as for our own spiritual good, to really be, in every sense of the word, a successful Christian. This should be our main goal, our highest aim; and if it isn’t, there is something radically wrong with our Christian life. In his inaugural address upon be­ coming President of the United States, General Eisenhower gave us “Nine Points,” or steps, for the success of his work. But do you know, in a very real sense, being a true, and faithful, and an out-and-out, success­ fu l Christian is an even more im­ portant job than being President! That’s right! For in the Christian life, we are dealing with the souls of men, with things that have to do with eternity, with heaven or hell, things that carry on long after, and far be­ yond the grave. And because of the importance of this, I should like to give you seven steps, or practical points to help you along the way. Since they are based upon the Word of God, we can take them up in all certainty, and be sure of that spirit­ ual success which He has waiting for each of us. Commencement . . . Be Started “ Ye must be born again” (John 3:7). Remember, “ first things first!” You can’t begin the successful Chris­ tian life, unless and until you be­ come a Christian. That ought to be evident. Like every other job, there has to be a definite beginning. There was a day' when you began school. There was a day when you began that position. You just didn’t grow into the thing, or bank upon some­ body else being there. There had to be a definite day, a basic beginning. It’s just the same with this important issue in the Christian life. You must have a definite day in which you be­ came a Christian, in that clear and sharp way which the Word of God uses in calling anyone Christian. There must be the basic beginning when you personally passed “ from death unto life” (John 5:24), actually being “bom again” (John 3:3), real­ ly becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17). Now, don’t hurry by; this is very important! I want to tell you that if you, whoever and whatever you may be, have not really and truly begun at this bed-rock beginning, there will be danger, yes—real dan­ ger in reading any further. You will only be deceiving yourself, working

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of the religions of the world? Dead and in some cases, returned to dust. Where is Jesus Christ? Alive and at the right hand of God interceding for us. This tremendous and significant fact gives us an historical and factual basis for our faith in Christ. In thinking about the resurrection of Christ, two facts ought to be cleared up in our minds. The first of these is the attitude of many people, expressed when they say, “Well, you only find the resurrection of Christ in the Bible; and I don’t accept the Bible.” This is a very unintelligent attitude to assume and cannot be maintained. For example, if a doc­ ument is introduced in court as evi­ dence in a case, it certainly won’t do for the opposing attorney to say, “I don’t accept as evidence this docu­ ment and therefore will disregard it.” No man trained in law would attempt this. He knows that the burden of proof to show that the document is fraudulent or defective rests upon him. And until he can do so, it must be accepted at face value. So it is with the gospel record of the resur­ rection of Christ. These documents have stood for almost 2,000 years. Un­ til you prove that they are fraudulent or defective, you must accept them at face value. And they testify through eyewitnesses, that Christ rose from the dead in the same body in which He had died on the cross. The other attitude sometimes taken might be expressed this way: “ A ll the religions of the world have some 27 sacred books, including the Christian Bible. You only accept one more than I do, so the majority is on my side.” Applying this argument to a practi­ cal situation, let us suppose a man interested in developing oil fields reasoned the same way. He has drilled 26 holes in the ground and not one of them has shown any signs of oil. But when the 27th is drilled, it gushes oil in a mighty stream. Logic­ ally, the oilman ought to plug it up, because the previous 26 were dry and the majbrity of his attempts were failures. Does anyone do this? You know the answer. Two men who were neighbors oft­ en vvalked to the bus stop in the morning and sometimes met in this way. One of them, not a Christian, said to the other, who was a believer, “ Say, do ypu belong to the church over on the avenue?” “ Yes,” he re­ plied, “ I do.” “Well, do they believe in the resurrection of Christ and all that stuff.” “Yes, they do and so do I.” “How do you or anybody else know that Christ rose from the dead and is alive.” “Why,” answered the Christian, “ I was talking to Him just ten minutes ago before I left the house.” END.

the uniqueness of

Christianity b y C . Ra ym ond W h ite

S ome years ago in Pennsylvania, a farmer noticed a scum on the water of the little stream where he wa­ tered his cattle. He skimmed it off and watered his stock. The next morning the scum was thicker and each suc- ceediiig morning it was harder to remove. Finally, he sold the farm and bought one with a supply of pure water for his cattle. A man who was later known as “ Coal Oil Johnny” heard about this farm and a little later bought it. He dug a hole in the ground and hit oil. A fortune was taken from the farm which was sold because its first owner couldn’t make a living from it. He didn’t realize the value of what he had. Many people do not realize what we have in Christianity through Christ. It is only when we awaken to what He offers us^ that we come to know why Christianity is unique and there is nothing else like it in the world. For one thing, the Founder of Christianity is absolutely essential to it. In other words, Christ is Chris­ tianity. This isn’t true in other re­ ligions. You can be a Buddhist with­ out any connection with Buddha; or you can worship a t.a Shinto shrine without any living connection with the object of worship at the shrine. You can be a Muslim by reciting the creed, “ There is no god but God and Mohammed is His prophet” ; by giv­ ing alms; by saying your prayers five times, a day; by keeping the fast of Ramadam; by making a pilgrimage to the tomb of the prophet. And all this can be done without any vital touch with Mohammed. But not in Christianity. Take THE AUTHOR The Rev. Mr. White is resident director of Horton Hall, University Christian Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley. The work, an affiliate of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, was founded by the late Vernon Morgan. Mrs. Morgan (daughter of Biola's T. C. Horton) is still actively engaged in this evangelical work on the campus of the world's largest university.

Christ out, and you have absolutely nothing. Truly exercise heart-faith in Christ and even if you don’t know the first thing about the doctrines of Christianity, you have life in Christ. He is your life, now and eternally. Christianity is unique because in it God is seeking men. In other re­ ligions, men are seeking God. One of the significant utterances from the lips of Christ is when He said, “ The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost.” And in the conversation with the woman of Sa­ maria, He told her, “The true wor­ shippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” Those who have lived and worked in other lands without gospel light have told of the weary and fruitless search of men for God, in their blindness not realizing that God was seeking them, and in the person of His servants was trying to give them the message of light and life. It is well to remember too that Christianity is unique, in that the Holy Spirit comes to dwell with us and witfiin us. What other religion offers its devotees the Holy Spirit with all His transforming, enabling, purifying and illuminating presence and power? Not one in all the world. Concerning the Holy Spirit, Christ said in John’s Gospel, “ That he [the Holy Spirit] may abide with you forever; for He dwelleth with [along­ side of] you and shall be in you.” Think of the tremendous significance of having the third Person of the Trinity in such close, personal rela­ tionship with us. No wonder the Saviour called Him the Comforter, One who was to be of the same kind as Christ Himself and to minister to us in His absence. It is almost impossible to think of the uniqueness of Christianity with­ out turning to the resurrection of Christ. Where are all the founders



T he boy pictured on this month’s cover and on this page is a Jewish lad. On a Saturday he and a half dozen other neighborhood children gather for a Bible club class on the front steps of a big rambling house in Los Angeles. When asked what song he wanted to sing the Jewish boy said, “The one about Jesus where we clap our hands.” Across United States and Canada some 25,000 such classes are meet­ ing each week under the leadership of International Child Evangelism Fellowship of Pacific Palisades, Calif. Founded 16 years ago by J. Irvin Overholtzer, the Fellowship now reaches around the world with 135 missionaries on the field. The Fellowship’ s literature is printed in 21 languages. The Child Evangelism plan is simple: Reach the unevangelized child for Christ. According to recent figures two out of three youngsters in the U.S. and Canada are not in any Sunday school. The Child Evangel­ ism program calls for weekday Bible classes held in neighborhood homes. The classes last about an hour, consist of songs and Bible stories that are told with the help of visual aid board and cutouts. The children are always urged to attend the nearest evangelical Sunday school and church. To insure adequately trained teachers the Fellowship conducts teacher- training classes across the nation plus a special Child Evangelism Insti­ tute held at the headquarters in Pacific Palisades. MORE ►

rea ching our children for CHRIST

program to help adults min children

International director Franklin F. Ellis and Publications director Dorothy Haskin at headquarters. Pacific Palisades, Calif.


Child Evangelism magazine managing edi­ tor Ruth Turnwall and Mrs. Haskin. Maga­ zine goes free to over 1500 missionaries.

International director Franklin Ellis keeps close tab on his foreign missionary staff of 135 working in some 60 countries.

At Institute. Ann Moran and Wilma Corn show teachers best way to use visual aids.

Frances E. Bennett, known as Miss Child Evangelism, and story­ teller de luxe, shows Institute students art of storytelling.

"They Have a Song" and "Under the Shadow of the Sombrero are two films being currently produced by Child Evangelism.


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James O. Henry, M .A t/ Editor, Associate prof, of History, Biola Bible College

M ee tin g fo r Social W o r k e r s The fifth annual meeting on Chris­ tian social work in cooperation with the Evangelical Social Work Confer­ ence (ESWC) is to be held at Wheaton College, Wheaton, 111., March 26 and 27. The ESWC has been organized as an agency to en­ courage and to sponsor Christian social work programs throughout the country. The Wheaton meeting is de­ signed to foster interest among evan­ gelicals in the opportunities for Christian witness and service in the social work field. Sessions of interest to college students will be held, acquainting them with the training required and the job opportunities. Sessions are to be held also which will bring inspiration and informa­ tion to evangelical social workers on the non-professional level, as well as round-table periods for professional workers to discuss common problems. The meeting is open to all interested persons—pastors, Christian education teachers, mission workers, lay men 'and women, students and social workers. L o b b y ist C onvicted Arthur H. Samish, California’s long time lobbyist for the liquor interests, was convicted recently of income tax law violations. His failure to pay $71,878 in income taxes drew pun­ ishment of three years in prison and $40,000 fine. He will also be called upon to pay the back taxes plus pen­ alties totaling over $900,000. Perhaps it was worth it to him. It is gener­ ally understood that Samish drew large pay from several branches of the liquor trade— the distillers, brew­ ers and liquor dealers’ organizations of the state. G ,SOO -Tear-Old P yram id Found The foundations of a pyramid 6,500 years old slowly emerged recently from yellow sands covering the “ City of the Dead,” sixteen miles south of Cairo. (Discovery of the pyramid was reported by the National Geographic Society in October,’ 1952.) As work­ men dug deeper into the sand, a 40-year-old Egyptian archaeologist, 18

Zakaria Ghoneim, related how he found the Second Dynasty Pyramid —oldest dressed stone structure still in existence—after many years of patient excavation. The archaeologist believes that once he reaches the underground burial chambers, they will throw new and important light on the missing chap­ ters in the story of the Pharaohs. He estimated that the base of the pyra­ mid covers 15,600 square yards, com­ pared with the 23,100 square yards of the base of the great Pyramid of Giza, dating from 1,400 B.C. Crim e In c rea se In a letter to the editor of the Dallas News a writer recently said, “ All thoughtful, law-abiding citizens are appalled at the rapid increase in crime in our Christian nation. Every newspaper is filled with ac­ counts of murder, rape, kidnapping and many other crimes.” The writer suggests several reasons for this in­ crease, among them the literature to which Americans are being exposed. He said, 90 per cent of the magazine covers are adorned with pictures of almost nude women and . . . you go out on the streets and find women parading the streets with not enough clothes to flag a freight train.” The conclusion to the latter is the suggestion that “What our nation needs is a spiritual awakening.” He said, “We are told in the Divine Word to hold forth the words of life. I know men who hctve memorized the pedigree of every head of cattle they o(wn but have never memorized a verse of the Bible.” Threa t to Isra el The new King Saud of Saudi Arabia recently suggested that the Arab nations should sacrifice up to 10 million of their combined 50 mil­ lion population, if necessary, to wipe out Israel. The king said, “ Israel, to the Arab world, is like a cancer to the human body, and the only way of remedy is to uproot it just like a cancer.” He declared that the Arab nations never would hold direct talks with Israel because they did not

recognize the Israelis as a nation. In spite of the king’s threats God’s prom­ ises to Israel are eternal. Am erican Survival General George C. Kenney reduced the thought of survival to stark and simple terms. “Victory over defeat, life over death, in another world war will depend on having the best, the greatest air power in the world.” The high points covered in a recent speech by the general were shock­ ing. He said, “ Russia has 30,000 or more combat planés and her bomb­ ers can reach any point in the United States. Russia is building airplanes twice as fast as we are. Russia is stock-piling atomic bombs. She has not enough now to risk a war. When she does have enough, the one thing that will stop her from launching a war without warning will be the fear of an overwhelming, devastating re­ taliatory attack.” This was not an armchair amateur talking. What a grim picture for the future. Japanese R etu rn to Shinto Faith Shinto, the former national religion that Japan’s militarists exploited, is making a comeback. In October, 1953, for the first time since Shinto fell into disrepute after the Japanese defeat in World War II, the Emperor sent an emissary to the autumn festival at Tokyo’s Yasukuni Shrine, where Japan’s war dead are enshrined, and where every subject once had to pause and bow when passing. Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida broke post-war precedent by wor­ shiping at Yasukuni with consider­ able fanfare during the spring festi­ val. The government is resuming the practice of contributions to the up­ keep of shrines. The desire for change and the re­ vulsion against the past, which char­ acterized the Japanese nation follow­ ing its defeat, are wearing out. Japanese are slipping back into old ways. It is no longer old-fashioned or anti-democratic to go to the shrine and pay respects to one’s ancestors or pray for the long life of the Emperor. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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