King's Business - 1954-03

A True Story on Prayer

Dare we disturb God about little things?

W hat I am about to relate will be looked on no doubt by many who read this, as a lucky incident, but to me it was and is, the intervention of God to fulfill his promise, “ Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will succor thee.” It is now 58 years since this hap­ pened. My boss, for whom I was going to cook in the woods that win­ ter, lived 60 miles up the river, and as there were no roads in those days near his farm, except the portage in winter, our supplies were taken up­ river by scowing. Our scow was out of the ordinary, being fitted with a tent, cook-stove and bedding so that we were more or less self-sustaining. As the boss had a brother living on a farm 15 miles from town, we de­ cided to spend the first night there, as it would be more comfortable than sleeping on the scow. At the time I was wearing a ring I had persuaded a girl to let me have until I should see her in the spring. This ring she prized very much, it having been given to her by her brother who had recently returned from the Klondyke, and had it made out of gold from his first prospect. Having arrived at our first stop we made fast ashore where a beach stretched about 200 yards to the house where we were going to pass the night. After we had supper I washed the dishes, fixed things for the night. The days were short, and by this time it was already dark. After finishing my Your prayer requests. It has been said that God Is as great in minuteness as He is in magnitude. We believe there is no request too small if we but come to Him

chores I followed the men up to the house, walking over the beach-rocks as best I could in the dark. I lay down in bed after thanking God for His blessings and protection of the day. As I pulled the covers up around my neck, I felt my little finger for my ring as was my custom. The ring was missing. I was stricken with consternation, Where had I lost it? It surely must be about my person, or in the scow. I thought, “ If I have dropped it com­ ing across the beach, it is really gone.” I lit the lamp and frantically

and lighting matches I frantically searched every likely spot I could think of, even to looking over the side of the scow where I had thrown the dish water, but there was no sign of that little gold circle. As the ring was too large for my little finger and too small for the next one, the wearing of it kept me more or less in hot water. Thinking back I could remember having it on my finger when I washed the dishes, after that I could not remember till I missed it in bed. By now all my hopes had been blotted out and I did not know where to turn. Suddenly, those words came to mind, “ Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will succor thee.” “ Lord,” I fervently said, “ You know my plight better than I can explain it; I know You can help me if You will, so I am leaving all in Your hands.” A wonderful calm took the place of my nervous condition and I was able to decide on returning to the house to try and get some much needed rest. Disconsolately I started back and had got about halfway across the beach, when I heard the unmistakable tinkle, and a voice seemed to say, “ There is your ring.” With trembling fingers I lit a match and there it lay shining in the semi-darkness. I shall never forget the thankfulness that threatened to choke me, and to this day I can still bathe in the freshness of this direct answer to prayer END. individually. We shall count it a priv­ ilege to take your request to the throne of grace. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17. 11

searched the bed-clothes until my mate angrily asked, “What’s all the commotion about?” I did not reply but silently pulling on my clothes, I made my way down to the scow in child-like faith. He cares and He is able. Each morning the editorial staff of King's Business gathers for prayer. Each request that comes in is prayed for

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