King's Business - 1954-03

BO O K REV IEW S All -recommended books may be obtained from the Blola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. The M o o d y B ib le S to r y B o o k This remarkable book will be treas­ ured by children and young people both for its content, true to the Scrip­ tures, and its artistic beauty. The text is a revision of a Dutch Book, The Bible in Story and Picture, by Ingwersen. The colored illustrations in the text are by JoAnne Brubaker. The format is attractive and in good taste, the type suitable for youthful and mature readers. The work carries forward the en­ tire narrative of the Bible divided into episodes, appropriately titled and identified by book, chapter and verse references. A Scripture index makes it possible to turn immediately to any portion of the book. This will become the Bible story book for evan­ gelical families. 639 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $4.95. The Gospel o f P ra y e r By Albert C. Wieand Subtitled Its Practice and Psychol­ ogy as Revealed in the L ife and Teachings of Jesus this work consid­ ers chronologically Jesus’ prayers and teachings on prayer in the New Test­ ament. After carefully analyzing these passages the author draws from them the “ cardinal principles of pray­ er . . . for presentation in as simple and readable a form as possible.” Many good things will be found in this exhaustive treatment of pray­ er in the New Testament, but one is disturbed by frequent sympathetic quotations from liberal literature on prayer. Jesus, Himself, is viewed as somewhat less than the second per­ son of the Trinity, as the following quotationsind ica te: “ He prayed through to the place of full assurance of faith.” “He never doubted the val­ idity of prayer.” “His moral attitudes were right.” “ He nurtured His faith by prayer and glorified God through miraculous results achieved through faith.” This reviewer has the impres­ sion that the author is moving from liberal to conservative theological views or vice versa. 246 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. P e lou b e t’ s S elect N otes F o r 1 9 5 4 By Wilbur M. Smith This is the eightieth volume of Pe- loubet’s remarkable series of annual commentaries on the “ International Sunday School Lessons” in the uni-

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D., Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

form series. The outstanding con­ tribution is the carefully selected quo­ tations from the best printed commen­ taries on the text of the lesson. The bibliographical notes headed “ The Teacher’s library” are- most helpful to those teachers who like to read widely on the lesson or desire to build up working libraries of their own. The suggestions for visual aids are invaluable. 439 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass.; $2.75. A rn old ’ s P ractica l C omm en ta ry F o r 1 9 5 4 Arnold’s Sunday School Comihen- tary of the International lessons is now appearing in its sixtieth annual volume. The illustrations and side­ lights on the lesson provide a strong feature of this commentary. In ad­ dition to the comment on the lesson, separate approaches are provided for use with young people and adults, intermediates and seniors, juniors, and beginners. 285 pages; cloth; Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Ind.; $2.00. Standard le s s o n C omm en ta ry 1 9 5 4 A new series of comments on the International lesson has made its ap­ pearance. The size is new—8 V 2 by 11 inches; eight pages of helps are printed for each lesson; many illus­ trations, maps, charts, and sketches appear throughout the book. Many departments are included, such as Those Difficult Names, The Main Points, Discussion and Application, The Truth for Daily Living, Seeing the Lesson, Teaching Adults and Teaching Young People. Teachers who learn visually themselves will prize this commentary. 448 pages; Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; $2.95. M ira c le s: Y e s te rd a y and T oda y T rue and False By Benjamin B. Warfield Throughout the history of the church various groups, Roman Cath­ olic, Protestant, and Pentecostal, have drawn attention to themselves by claiming to work miracles, particu­ larly in the realm of bodily healing. Earnest Christians have always sought to understand these claims in accordance with revealed truth. This work, which appeared originally in 1921 as Counterfeit Miracles, is a careful investigation of the miracles of the Bible and the cessation of the

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