King's Business - 1954-03

Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.

Clyde M. Narramore, Ed.D.

than it would be to believe that it is true. How would one account for ful­ filled prophecies of the Bible if it is of human origin? Many volumes would be required to relate the prophecies which have been fulfilled with amazing detail and accuracy. Consider present world conditions, as well as the re-establishment of the nation Israel. The unity of the Scriptures indi­ cates their divine authorship. The 66 books were written by 40 or more men of God at periods of time very remote from each other. The circum­ stances under which they wrote were extremely divergent, and yet their unity amazes the greatest scholars. If the Bible is not the inspired word of God, how can one account for its inexhaustible depth? Through the years believers have fed upon the Scriptures, banqueting at bound­ less tables of truth and inspiration. Mines may give up their last tons of ore. Rivers may run dry. Sources of food may terminate. Yet even one portion of Scripture can be read a whole lifetime without ever sound­ ing its depths. How can one account for the Bible’s power to lift men from sin if ,the words are not energized by God Himself? Modern society has many organizations whose aim is to help fellow men; yet Scriptural con­ version is the only power that can radically change man’s nature per­ manently. I am sure that the last reason I present here is not an uncommon one to those who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. I speak of sensing the reality of God and the truth of the Scriptures as one walks daily with his Lord. For several years I have known Christ as my own personal Saviour and during that time I have had many experiences in various parts of the world. Through them all I have felt the nearness of God. He is closer than any human being. Readers are invited to submit questions which will be answered in future issues. Address questions to Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.— ED.

which is probably used in more high school classes than any other, is one by Evelyne Duvall entitled Facts of Life and Love. I believe that most Christian parents might prefer look­ ing through the available material at a Christian book store. No doubt, in time there will be other publications from which to choose. N ervou s Habits W e have several children, but the one which we are worried about is our ten-year-old boy. When he was a baby he developed the \habit of turning or swinging his head from one side to the other. Our fam ily doctor said he would outgrow the habit, but he hasn’t. W e are born-again Christians and we have tried ev ery method suggested to help him overcome this — prayer, scolding, bribery, making him stay in­ side, spanking and ignoring it for long periods of time. He has intervals of weeks when he doesn’t do it. W e would be most grateful if you could advise us about this. It is quite possible that your boy needs psychological as well as medi­ cal attention. It has been my ex­ perience that children usually do not grow out of serious nervous habits. They must be helped out of them. In the case of .your boy I would not minimize prayer. God’s power is not limited, and it is possible for Him to deliver your boy of his trouble. How­ ever, this may not be God’s will. Psychologists and psychiatrists fre­ quently work with those who suffer from nervous habits. I would suggest that you take your boy to see one. No doubt he would want to study the child, his family and environ­ ment, and also to give certain' tests. You might expect him to uncover the cause rather quickly. You can lo­ cate a competent person through your own school officials, or through a lo­ cal medical doctor. W h a t I W ou ld Say If you were asked why you be­ lieved in the Bible, what would you say? It would be much more difficult to believe that the Bible is not true

A Christian A n sw e r W an ted One of our teen-age girls at Sun­ day school asked her teacher about the facts of life, saying that she knew absolutely nothing but what she had read in the newspaper accounts of the Kinsey report. This is a shocking thing, since this sweet girl is a born- again Christian. This girl said she tried to read a book once but her mother found it and punished her severely, and when asked questions she on ly laughed at her and told the girl’s stepfather of the entire conversation. Have you any material that would be suitable to give this girl to read? Every human being is entitled to a basic understanding of how his body functions. God gave each of us a body to use and care for, and it is our sacred obligation to do just that. Since Christians are often called upon to fulfill roles of leadership, and to give guidance to others, they es­ pecially should have wholesome atti­ tudes and factual knowledge about their bodies as well as their emotions, special abilities and intelligence. It might be said that our bodies are for two main purposes (1) to serve as the temples of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, and (2) for our tempo­ rary use to honor and serve God while here on earth. Surely they are worthy of study, care, virtuous use, and godly consecration. In working with the girl you men­ tion, I would suggest that you do not overlook her mother. Nearly all par­ ents can be reached if they are ap­ proached in the right way. If you think the problem through and pray about it I am sure you can reach the mother, who in turn can help her daughter. As to books along this line, there are very few which have a splendid Christian approach and yet which are as helpful as secular books on the topic. Some Christians favor the lit­ tle book entitled The Sanctity of Sex which is available at nearly all gos­ pel book stores. Many Christians feel that Human Growth by Beck, is a fine book for teen-agers even though it has no spiritual emphasis. The textbook



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