King's Business - 1954-03

Be a Thief, but not a Protestant!

friend, he managed to escape. In another instance, a b e lie v in g fa m ily was fined 5,000 pesetas ($125.00) for conducting a Protestant funeral for their six-year-old who had just died. The material need o f Spain is as desperate as her spiritual need. The poverty stricken peas­ antry, the gypsies, the countless beggars, and the cave dwellers stun the minds and hearts o f the on-lookers. The material difficulties o f life would be somewhat alleviated if the masses had freedom

It happened in Spain! A boy brought a New Testament one day to the village priest to be burned. Before the priest decided to burn it, he thought to himself, "It won’t do any harm if, for a change, I read this Protestant literature.” In reading it, the Holy Spirit convicted him o f the Truth that is in Christ Jesus and he was saved. When the priest told his mother the news, she replied, "MY SON, BE A THIEF, BE A DRUNKARD , BE A CRIMINAL, BUT NO T A PROTESTANT!” This, then, is the story o f Spa in ; Spain the land o f churches— ROMAN CATH ­ OLIC CHURCHES! As one travels through this poverty stricken land, one can almost hear the moan o f its neglected people living under the yoke o f the despotic Romish system. This is Spain, where it is said there are only eight to ten thousand KNOWN evangeli­ cal believers out o f a popula­ tion o f 28,000,000; and where only on e -th ird o f the 200 evangelical churches in existence are allowed to remain open. It is a land where to follow Christ means persecution and possible martyrdom. In a South­ ern Spanish city, some 20 Roman Catholic youths entered an evangelical church and attempted to BURN THE PASTOR ALIVE! They attacked the church building, and forced out the young people who were inside with the pastor. But the young people o f the church fought against their attackers and rescued their beloved pastor. In spite o f their brave defense, the pastor and his son were injured and part o f the church furniture was burned. Not long ago, a young ex-priest who had only been saved three months received word that his mother was seriously ill and that he should return home. As he neared his home, a friend warned him that his mother was in good health, but that some Roman Catholic youth were wait­ ing to attack him. Through the warning o f his

o f worship and o f speech. But in Spain, this does not exist. SPAIN NEEDS THE BI­ BLE, THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD. We who are privileged to live in a land where there is true religious liberty, should ever be willing to share our spiritual blessings with those in other lands, such as Spain, where religious lib­ erty is denied. It is the earnest desire of the European Evange listic Crusade to give the Spanish people the Gospel o f our Lord

Just one of the twenty-eight million in Spain who so desperately need the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

and Saviour, Jesus Christ, through the distribu­ tion o f Bibles, New Testaments and Christian literature. We need YOUR prayers and YOUR support in this important soul-saving ministry. HELP US TO GIVE THEM THE TRUTH — THE TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE. Please address all gifts and correspondence to: Please cut off here and mail ; (The Bible for Spain) j I Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S. : : EUROPEAN EVANGELIST IC CRUSADE, INC ., \ ■ Member Mission I.F.M .A. ■ : 811 Westview Street,Philadelphia 19, Pa. j ; Dear Sir: : ■ With a glad and willing heart I enclose ■ ■ $ ........... .......................... to help bring the Gospel : ■ to Spain. ; ; N am e ............................................................................. ’ S tree t.............................................................. -............... ■ : City ................................... ■ ■ Zone ................... State ............................................ :


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