King's Business - 1954-03

used of God to increase the concern for missions. Not a few of our B iola students have indicated that it was while seeing these films that they de­ cided to attend Bible school and pre­ pare for missionary service. Since I have the privilege of teach­ ing missions and directing the inter­ ests of the Missions Department at B iola , Dr. Talbot has invited me to go with him on this trip through Africa. It will be my chief concern, to gather information and data which will increase the effectiveness of the Missions Department. Africa which has for years been called “the dark

continent” is now known as “ the changing continent.” The chief causes for the change are Communism, Na­ tionalism and Mohammedanism. It will be my privilege to study the problems and trends of missionary ac­ tivity in this strange land. Mr. Bruce Linton of Fullerton, Cal­ ifornia, a “ top notch” photographer who has the missionary heart will be shooting most of the film and hopes to produce something that will really convey the missionary challenge to hearts here at home. Also included in our party are Dr. Herbert J. Movius and my 16-year-old son David, who are making the trip at their own ex­ pense, but who are expected to con­ tribute much to the project. Dr. Mov­ ius, a noted surgeon in Los Angeles, has a personal interest in Dr. Talbot who has been a patient of his for several years. Now that we have given this brief resume' we will leave the rest to your imagination until we get on the oth­ er side of the Atlantic and begin to see things as they are. Watch the next issue of The King’s Business for further report. (T o be continued) ± + * I t Could Happen If Paul Applied to a Missionary Society Dear Mr. Paul: We recently received an applica­ tion from you for service under our board. We have made an exhaustive survey of your case. To be plain, we are surprised that you have been able to pass as a bonafide missionary. We are told that you are afflicted with a severe eye-trouble. This is certain to be an insuperable handicap to an effective ministry. Our board requires 20-20 vision. At Antioch, we learn you opposed Dr. Simon Peter, an esteemed de­ nominational secretary and actually rebuked him publicly. You stirr.ed up so much trouble at Antioch that a special board meeting had to be convened in Jerusalem. We cannot condone such actions. Furthermore, you have not gradu­ ated from our seminary, and you know we cannot have our mission board represented by one who is not a graduate from a recognized univer­ sity. We cannot recognize the three years you spent in Arabia and Da­ mascus because the schools are un­ known. Our board does not recognize private tutors such as you claim yoh have had. Is it true that you have a jail record? Certain brethren report that

M IS S IO N S continued Although our principal objective is Africa, this visit to Spain is certainly not the least in importance so far as I am concerned. In fact, for a long time it has been a real chal­ lenge. For you who may not know of our venture, let me briefly describe the nature of it. Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor of the Bible *Institute of Los Angeles, has made several trips to mission fields in recent years. The films he has produced and the experi­ ences he has related have been greatly

A little Korean boy begs for a morsel of food. He seems to be saying: “ How can you turn me down?” The physical need of the Korean people remains extremely critical. The Oriental Missionary Society, with your faithful help, is con­ tinuing to send tons of food and clothing to Korea each month to relieve the tremendous suffering.

K O R E A . . . world’s ripest harvest H ER B A R E TH E FAC TS : President Syngman Rhee has

publicly announced his desire to have his nation become Christian. Only, 5 % of Koreans are now - Christians. A ll other religions total only 4 % . 9 1% of Korean population has no religion. 75% of soldiers in Korean Army registered as having no religious preference.


The Oriental Missionary Society has launched a systematic cam­ paign to reach every person in Korea with the Gospel. Teams are going out visiting every home and holding evangelistic meetings in the evening in every area. Four of these teams say 4,467 people seek the Lord during a five-month period, which resulted in twenty- three newly organized congregations who built their own churches. ,

N.A.E. Photo $ 2 5 .0 0 p e r month will

support a cru sad er. Send you r con tribu tion to ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY 900 N. Hobart1Blvd. Los Angeles 29, California



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