King's Business - 1954-03

SUCCESS continued witnesses, saith the Lord” (Isa. 43:- 10). “ I have chosen you . . . that ye should go and bring forth fruit” (John 15:16). Yes, there is a work to be done . . . the greatest work in all this wide, wild world. “We are am­ bassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20). Communication . . . that is our fifth step on the way to success in the Christian life. We have a message to communicate, and what a message. We are to get out and get going with the glory of the gospel. “ Gospel” . . . we like that word, a great deal, don’t we? We make much of it. But have you ever closely noticed the first two letters of that word? What are they? Go . . . gospel. Yes, this is a gospel of going. Of going out to the next man in line with the good news of salvation. No Christian is exempt from that go. If he thinks so, he’s a failure al­ ready. The Lord has a place for each and every Christian in His work . . . and don’t ever make the mistake of saying, I have no talent; there is nothing that 1 can do, for that is the devil’s humility. If it were true, then the Lord certainly made a mistake in leaving you here on earth amidst all this sin and woe and need, millions of lost, dying souls . . . and with nothing to do. You have a work . . . find it. And when you really seek it, according to His will, you will not have to seek for long. He will make the way clear and plain . . . “ I have set before thee an open door” (Rev. 3:8). He keeps on calling to each of us, “ Son, go work today.” (Matt. 21:28). “ Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable serv­ ice” (Romans 12:1). “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Prov­ erbs 3 :5 ,6 ). And the greatest success

we can attain is when we come face to face with our Lord to hear His blessed, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21), after the sun has set on life’s day. Contribution . . . Be Supplying “ Lay by him in store, as God hath prospered” (1 Cor. 16:2). Now, don’t turn away and murmur, Now he's going to tell us about the need for money. Remember, we are talking about steps to success in the Christian life, and if there be one step missing, or if you miss one step, there’s liable to be an accident! If we really go in the work of the Lord, then we surely will give to the work of the Lord, and together have a share in getting out the gospel in these last days to the uttermost part of the earth. The one who really makes up his mind and heart to get going in the work of the Lord for the very love of the Lord of the work will always ask, Lord, show me how I can help; show me how / can have a share in the work . . . and that one w ill receive a rich blessing in return, even as it is written, “ The liberal soul shall be made fat” (Prov. 11:25). Here is a good measurement from the Word that we ought to take to heart, “ He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Cor. 9:6), and note, fellow-Christian, we are sowing, one way or the other, with no neutral ground. How much shall we give, and what is the best way to give to the support of the Lord’s work? Personally, I feel that one long, loving look at the Lord Jesus Christ, suffering in deep­ est shame and agony on the bloody cross of Calvary, giving all that He had for such as you and me, would give its own answer. Oh! How much He gave for us . . . and does that allow us to go scot-free? “ For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus


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Christians are praying for revival in England when Billy Graham opens a six-week cam­ paign there March 1. With Graham will be Beverly Shea (left) and Cliff Barrows (right).



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