King's Business - 1954-03

that believe on his name” (John 1:12). April 18, 1954 Our Living Lord John 20:24-29; 21:15-17 Pointers on the Lesson Easter speaks of life. Even nature bursts forth with new life at this season of the year. For the Christian the radiant fact of Easter is not the beauties of nature with which he is surrounded, though he appreciates it as a part of God’s handi­ work, but the fact of spiritual life as it is summarized in the resurrection life oi the Son of God. Thomas and the Living Lord John 20:24-29 Thomas was not present that first Sun­ day evening when Jesus appeared to His disciples following His resurrection. Think how much he missed! Sadness and dis­ appointment had overcome Thomas after the death of Christ. He seemed not to have any idea that Christ would rise from the dead as He had promised. He went off by himself to brood over what seemed to him a dark situation. While in this state of mind the Lord appeared to the rest of the disciples and gave them His benediction of peace and breathed upon them the Holy Spirit. Some believers to­ day are like Thomas in their attitude toward the services of the church. They think it is going to be just the regular formal exercises— a few hymns, a prayer, some Scripture reading and a dry ser­

mon! And so they stay away. Ofttimes on such occasions the Lord visits His people with special blessing and those, like Thomas, miss it. The Lord was very considerate of Thom­ as and, after the other disciples had told him of the blessings of the first Sunday evening (v. 2 5 ), he was present on the next Sunday evening (v. 26) when the Lord appeared. The Lord offered to let Thomas touch His wounds (v. 27) to convince him of His resurrection. But a vision was enough and Thomas said in splendid testimony to Christ’s deity, “M y Lord and m y God” (v. 2 8). Note the blessing available for all believers today as set forth in verse 29. Is that blessing yours? Peter and the Living Lord John 21:15-17 In this passage we have one of the most beautiful scenes of the New Testa­ ment. It centers on the shores of Galilee. On three separate occasions the Lord asked Peter, “Lovest thou me?” Peter was grieved that Jesus asked the question three times. But this was the number of times Peter had denied his Lord and, in effect, said he did not love Him. Jesus repeated the question three times in order to im­ press Peter with the importance of true love for Himself. Unless the followers of Christ have this love there will be inef­ fective service in His behalf. Helps for the Children Jesus Lives John 20:1-29 Memory Verse: "The Lord [has] risen indeed" (Luke 24:34). Jesus was dead! His disciples had hoped that He would, deliver their nation, the Jews, from their enemies. Fear and sor­ row filled their hearts for three days and three nights. Early Sunday morning M ary Magda­ lene came to the tomb, or the sepulchre, and found the stone which had been rolled in front of the opening removed. Quickly she ran to Peter and John to tell them that someone had taken away the body of her Lord. After the two disciples looked into the empty tomb they returned to their homes, but M ary stood in the gar­ den weeping. Someone asked M ary why she was weeping. M ary supposed that it was the gardener. She said, “Sir, if thou have borne [carried] him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.” A s the one to whom she was talking said, “Mary,” she turned and saw the Lord Jesus! Quickly she found the disciples to tell them that her Lord had arisen indeed! Is your heart rejoicing today that you have a living Saviour? Some so-called religions worship a dead Jesus— one still hanging upon the cross. W e worship a Saviour who lives— and because H e lives, we who receive H im as our Saviour will live eternally with Him ! April 25, 1954 Ahijah Foresees a Divided Kingdom 1 Kings 11:29-38 Pointers on the Lesson The story of the Northern Kingdom

S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued Not long after the Lord Jesus had prayed His last prayer for His disciples, He was arrested in the Garden of Geth- semane. Judas, one of Has disciples, be­ trayed the Lord to Has enemies. Peter, another disciple, became afraid that he too would be arrested. When someone asked Peter if he were a disciple, Peter said that he did not even know the Lord Jesus. God’s Son was treated like a criminal: He was beaten, spit upon, and crowned with thorns. Every human friend forsook H im completely. Finally the Son of God was crucified upon a cross which was a most shameful death. W h y was the Lord Jesus willing to suf­ fer loneliness, shame, and pain without complaining? W as it because He could not escape from His enemies. W as it because He had to die upon the cross. No— God’s Son suffered because someone must pay the penalty for your sins. No sinner can enter heaven unless he first has his sins removed. God’s Son paid the price for our sins when He gladly and freely died upon the cross and arose again. Although He died for each person in all the world, He saves from sin only those who per­ sonally receive His gift. God paid the price for your sins by the death of your Saviour upon the cross. Have you received the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? “ But as many as received him, to them gave he power [the right] to become the sons of God, even to them

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