King's Business - 1954-03

was wearing as he left Jerusalem may have been something like this picture. We are told that it was a new gar­ ment. He was called “ a mighty man of valour,” and “ industrious,” which meant that he was strong, brave, and a hard worker. He must have looked very nice as he started out of town, wearing the new coat, which he had, doubtless, recently purchased. He had riot gone far until he met a man who was not wearing a new coat, but quite probpbly one that was old. The man whom he met was the prophet Ahijah, who did something very strange. He tore Jeroboam’s new coat off of him. Jeroboam might

manner. Mark the front with the word “ GRAVE.” Seal the flaps togeth­ er without putting anything in the back compartment. Make the Roman numerals by using two pieces of yel­ low paper 3% x 5 inches. Fold in thirds making the size 1% x 5 inches. Now cut a Roman numeral I with upright V 2 inch wide, and cross bars Vi inch deep. Leave folded and place in the front compartment of the large envelope,.marked “HEAVEN.” ) LESSON: This large envelope is marked “HEAVEN.” When thinking of heaven, whom do you think of as being at home there? “ God— the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Yes, the Trinity should claim our first thought. We open this envelope and find a Roman numeral I suggest­ ing one God. When I unfold it, I find that it is a Roman numeral III, reminding us of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will cut these apart, showing how the Son came down to earth. We will place the two re­ maining pieces of paper back in the envelope and seal it. Let us now put this other Roman numeral I on the cross. When Christ was on the cross He received 5 wounds. We will mark this piece of paper, in five places with red crayon. The body of Christ was taken down from the cross and placed in the grave. We will place this piece of paper in the envelope marked “ GRAVE,” and seal it. On the third day when the followers of Christ came to the tomb, they found that it was already opened, and that Christ had been raised from the dead. We will cut the end off the envelope and look into it. The followers of Christ were greeted with the words, “He is not here, but is risen” (Luke 24:6). (Cut the end off the envelope with the scissors and show the back com­ partment which will be empty.) After forty days, Christ went back to heaven. We will qut the end off the envelope marked “ HEAVEN.” (Show the back compartment). Here we find a Roman numeral III, with the center upright having the five marks of the cross. April 25, 1954 OBJECTS: The picture of a topcoat cut from a catalogue, a piece of yellow thread and a crown cut from yellow paper. (Attach one end of the thread to a sleeve of the coat and the other to the crown.) LESSON: This is a picture of a beau­ tiful topcoat, such as any boy or man would be happy to wear when the weather is cold. Thè coat which young Jeroboam L ost and F ound C oat and C rown

Choosing Friends I just love Kathleen. She’s such a good friend. She likes all us kids, too. I’m so glad you picked her out.” Dorotheann spoke thus warm­ ly of a friend who simply cannot resist children of any size or make. She has no children of her own but is loved far and near by other people’s children. “ I’m afraid I didn’t pick her, dear,” Mother replied. “With eight children I could get myself into a heap of trouble if I tried to choose our friends.” “Why, Mama?” “ Because-some people don’t es­ pecially enjoy being around chil­ dren. You ' don’t realize it, my dear”—Mother pulled at a blond- ish-brown pigtail as she spoke— “but you children can be a most disturbing influence at times. The general upheaval you create just because you are children is almost too m u ch '’at times for your own mother. For those outside the fam­ ily it is more than they feel called upon to take. Kathleen is really a brute for punishment. Your racket doesn’t faze her too much. And if it does she can always leave. That’s more than I can do,” Mother added in a sort of self-pitying after­ thought. Alone at her work a bit later Mother thought again of her daughter’s: “I’m so glad you picked Kathleen.” Mother found a richer, deeper meaning to the Word which says: “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you” (John 15:16). Mother could no more pre­ sume upon the good nature of an individual in asking for her friend­ ship than men dare presume upon a thrice-holy God. He has chosen us, and ordained us. What an ordination! God calls the humblest of us to bring forth fruit. How true have we been to our ordination?

have thought that the prophet was envious of his new coat and wanted to wear it, but instead of putting it on, he tore it into 12 pieces. We will tear this picture to show what hap­ pened. Jeroboam never suspicioned that the Lord had told Ahijah to do what he was doing. His only thought must have been regarding the loss of his beautiful coat. After tearing the coat into 12 pieces, the prophet gave Jero­ boam 10 of the pieces and told him he would be king over the 10 tribes of Israel. Attached to one of the pieces of this picture is a golden thread. As I pull on it, a crown appears. Jero­ boam lost his coat but found a crown and became king over 10 tribes of Israel. What happened to Jeroboam often happens to people today. God takes something from us which we love greatly, and in its place He gives us something better. He took physical sight from Fanny Crosby and in its place gave her great spiritual insight which she would never have had without being blind. Jeroboam, doubtless, was greatly disappointed at first, but he soon dis­ covered that God had something bet­ ter in store for him than wearing a coat—he was to wear a crown. In 2 Timothy 2:12 we read, “ If we suf­ fer, we shall also reign with him.”

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