First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

C. include active and quiet activity; and D. contain provider-directed and child-initiated activity. Subp. 2. [Repealed, 10 SR 2617]

Subp. 3. Equipment. The provider must have the equipment specified in this part in adequate quantities for the number and ages of children in care and to carry out the activities specified in this part. Equipment may be new, used, commercial, or homemade, as long as it is appropriate for the ages of the children and activities for which it will be used, safe, and in good repair. Subp. 4. Newborn or infant activities. The provider shall: A. Hold the infant or newborn during bottle feedings until the child can hold its own bottle. Bottles must not be propped. B. Respond to the infant or newborn’s attempts to communicate. C. Provide freedom of movement to the infant or newborn during a large part of the waking day to the extent that safety and weather permits. The noncreeping child shall spend part of each day out of a crib or infant seat. The creeping infant or newborn shall have freedom to explore outside of the crib or infant seat. D. Give the infant or newborn opportunity to stimulate the senses by providing a variety of activities and objects to see, touch, feel, smell, hear, and taste. E. Provide activities for the infant or newborn that develop the child’s manipulative and fine motor skills, self-awareness, and social responsiveness. Subp. 5. Newborn or infant equipment. The following minimum equipment is required for each infant or newborn: A. an infant seat or high chair; and B. a crib, portable crib, or playpen with waterproof mattress or pad which meets the requirements in part 9502.0425, subpart 9. Subp. 6. Toddler activities. The provider shall: A. Provide the toddler with freedom of movement and freedom to explore outside the crib or playpen. B. Talk to, listen to, and interact with the toddler to encourage language development. C. Provide the toddler with large muscle activities and activities which develop the child’s small muscles and manipulative skills. D. Develop and stimulate learning by reading stories to the child or looking at picture books together. E. Give the toddler opportunities to stimulate the senses by providing a variety of age-appropriate activities and objects to see, touch, feel, smell, hear, and taste. Subp. 7. Toddler equipment. Each toddler shall be provided with a mat, crib, cot, bed, sofa, or sleeping bag. Subp. 8. Preschooler activities. The provider shall:


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