First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

A. Encourage conversation between the child and other children and adults. B. Provide opportunity to play near and with other children; provide time and space for individual and group play; allow for quiet times to talk or rest; allow for unplanned time and individual play time. C. Foster understanding of personal and peer feelings and actions and allow for the constructive release of feelings and anger through discussion or play. D. Give assistance in toileting and provide time to carry out self-help skills and provide opportunity to be responsible for activities like putting away play equipment and helping around the house. E. Provide opportunity for each child to make decisions about daily activities and to take credit for the consequences of decisions. F. Provide time and areas for age appropriate large muscle play. G. Provide learning, small muscle, manipulative, creative or sensory activities. H. Read stories, look at books together, and talk about new words and ideas with the child. Subp. 9. Preschooler equipment. Each preschooler shall be provided with a mat, bed, cot, sofa, or sleeping bag. Subp. 10. School-age activities. The provider shall: A. provide opportunities for individual discussion about the happenings of the day and planning for activities; B. provide space and opportunity for games, activities, or sports using the whole body, outdoors, weather permitting; C. provide space and opportunity for individual rest and quiet time; D. allow increased freedom as the child demonstrates increased responsibility;

E. provide opportunities for group experiences with other children; F. provide opportunities to develop or expand self-help skills or real-life

experiences; and

G. provide opportunities for creative and dramatic activity, arts and crafts, or

field trips.

Subp. 11. [Repealed, 10 SR 2617] Subp. 12. Written permission. Written permission must be obtained from the parent to allow a school-age child in care to participate in activities away from the residence. 9502.0425 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT. Subpart 1. Indoor space. The licensed capacity of the day care residence must be limited by the amount of usable indoor space available to children. A minimum of 35 square feet of usable indoor space is required per child. A. Bathrooms, closets, space occupied by major appliances, and other space


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