First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

located. The county licensing agency must forward the request to the commissioner with a county recommendation regarding whether the commissioner should issue the certification. (e) Ongoing compliance with the certification requirements under paragraph (b) shall be reviewed by the county licensing agency at each licensing review. When a county licensing agency determines that the requirements of paragraph (b) are not met, the county shall inform the commissioner, and the commissioner will remove the certification. (f) A denial of the certification or the removal of the certification based on a determination that the requirements under paragraph (b) have not been met by the adult foster care or community residential setting license holder are not subject to appeal. A license holder that has been denied a certification or that has had a certification removed may again request certification when the license holder is in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (b). Subd. 7. Licensing moratorium. (a) The commissioner shall not issue an initial license for child foster care licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.3000 to 2960.3340, or adult foster care licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.5105 to 9555.6265, under this chapter for a physical location that will not be the primary residence of the license holder for the entire period of licensure. If a license is issued during this moratorium, and the license holder changes the license holder’s primary residence away from the physical location of the foster care license, the commissioner shall revoke the license according to section 245A.07. The commissioner shall not issue an initial license for a community residential setting licensed under chapter 245D. Exceptions to the moratorium include: (1) foster care settings that are required to be registered under chapter 144D; (2) foster care licenses replacing foster care licenses in existence on May 15, 2009, or community residential setting licenses replacing adult foster care licenses in existence on December 31, 2013, and determined to be needed by the commissioner under paragraph (b); (3) new foster care licenses or community residential setting licenses determined to be needed by the commissioner under paragraph (b) for the closure of a nursing facility, ICF/DD, or regional treatment center; restructuring of state-operated services that limits the capacity of state-operated facilities; or allowing movement to the community for people who no longer require the level of care provided in state-operated facilities as provided under section 256B.092, subdivision 13, or 256B.49, subdivision 24; (4) new foster care licenses or community residential setting licenses determined to be needed by the commissioner under paragraph (b) for persons requiring hospital level care; or (5) new foster care licenses or community residential setting licenses determined to be needed by the commissioner for the transition of people from personal care assistance to the home and community-based services.


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