First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

meet long-term care service needs within budgetary limits, including seeking proposals from service providers or lead agencies to change service type, capacity, or location to improve services, increase the independence of residents, and better meet needs identified by the long-term care services reports and statewide data and information. By February 1, 2013, and August 1, 2014, and each following year, the commissioner shall provide information and data on the overall capacity of licensed long-term care services, actions taken under this subdivision to manage statewide long-term care services and supports resources, and any recommendations for change to the legislative committees with jurisdiction over health and human services budget. (f) At the time of application and reapplication for licensure, the applicant and the license holder that are subject to the moratorium or an exclusion established in paragraph (a) are required to inform the commissioner whether the physical location where the foster care will be provided is or will be the primary residence of the license holder for the entire period of licensure. If the primary residence of the applicant or license holder changes, the applicant or license holder must notify the commissioner immediately. The commissioner shall print on the foster care license certificate whether or not the physical location is the primary residence of the license holder. (g) License holders of foster care homes identified under paragraph (f) that are not the primary residence of the license holder and that also provide services in the foster care home that are covered by a federally approved home and community-based services waiver, as authorized under section 256B.0915, 256B.092, or 256B.49, must inform the human services licensing division that the license holder provides or intends to provide these waiver-funded services. Subd. 8. Excluded providers seeking licensure. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a program that is excluded from licensure under subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (26), from seeking licensure. The commissioner shall ensure that any application received from such an excluded provider is processed in the same manner as all other applications for child care center licensure. Subd. 9. Permitted services by an individual who is related. Notwithstanding subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (1), and subdivision 7, an individual who is related to a person receiving supported living services may provide licensed services to that person if: (1) the person who receives supported living services received these services in a residential site on July 1, 2005; (2) the services under clause (1) were provided in a corporate foster care setting for adults and were funded by the developmental disabilities home and community- based services waiver defined in section 256B.092; (3) the individual who is related obtains and maintains both a license under chapter 245D or successor licensing requirements for the provision of supported living services and an adult foster care license under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.5105 to 9555.6265; and (4) the individual who is related is not the guardian of the person receiving supported living services.


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