First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

necessary measures to minimize any risk of harm to other residents, including making arrangements for appropriate sleeping arrangements; and (2) the program must assure that the services and living arrangements provided to all residents are suitable to the age and functioning of the residents, including separation of services, staff supervision, and other program operations as appropriate. (d) Nothing in this subdivision precludes the license holder from seeking other variances under subdivision 9. Subd. 12. Adult day care facilities; Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders. (a) If an adult day care facility markets or otherwise promotes services for persons with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders, the facility’s direct care staff and their supervisors must be trained in dementia care. (b) Areas of required training include: (1) an explanation of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders; (2) assistance with activities of daily living; (3) problem solving with challenging behaviors; and (4) communication skills. (c) The facility shall provide to consumers in written or electronic form a description of the training program, the categories of employees trained, the frequency of training, and the basic topics covered. Subd. 13. Funds and property; other requirements. (a) A license holder must ensure that persons served by the program retain the use and availability of personal funds or property unless restrictions are justified in the person’s individual plan. (b) The license holder must ensure separation of funds of persons served by the program from funds of the license holder, the program, or program staff. (c) Whenever the license holder assists a person served by the program with the safekeeping of funds or other property, the license holder must: (1) immediately document receipt and disbursement of the person’s funds or other property at the time of receipt or disbursement, including the person’s signature, or the signature of the conservator or payee; and (2) return to the person upon the person’s request, funds and property in the license holder’s possession subject to restrictions in the person’s treatment plan, as soon as possible, but no later than three working days after the date of request. (d) License holders and program staff must not: (1) borrow money from a person served by the program; (2) purchase personal items from a person served by the program; (3) sell merchandise or personal services to a person served by the program; (4) require a person served by the program to purchase items for which the license holder is eligible for reimbursement; or


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