First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

The notice must state the reasons the application was denied and must inform the applicant of the right to a contested case hearing under chapter 14 and Minnesota Rules, parts 1400.8505 to 1400.8612. The applicant may appeal the denial by notifying the commissioner in writing by certified mail or personal service. If mailed, the appeal must be postmarked and sent to the commissioner within 20 calendar days after the applicant received the notice of denial. If an appeal request is made by personal service, it must be received by the commissioner within 20 calendar days after the applicant received the notice of denial. Section 245A.08 applies to hearings held to appeal the commissioner’s denial of an application. 245A.06 CORRECTION ORDER AND CONDITIONAL LICENSE. Subdivision 1. Contents of correction orders and conditional licenses. (a) If the commissioner finds that the applicant or license holder has failed to comply with an applicable law or rule and this failure does not imminently endanger the health, safety, or rights of the persons served by the program, the commissioner may issue a correction order and an order of conditional license to the applicant or license holder. When issuing a conditional license, the commissioner shall consider the nature, chronicity, or severity of the violation of law or rule and the effect of the violation on the health, safety, or rights of persons served by the program. The correction order or conditional license must state: (1) the conditions that constitute a violation of the law or rule; (2) the specific law or rule violated; (3) the time allowed to correct each violation; and (4) if a license is made conditional, the length and terms of the conditional license. (b) Nothing in this section prohibits the commissioner from proposing a sanction as specified in section 245A.07, prior to issuing a correction order or conditional license. Subd. 1a. Correction orders and conditional licenses for programs licensed as home and community-based services. (a) For programs licensed under both this chapter and chapter 245D, if the license holder operates more than one service site under a single license governed by chapter 245D, the order issued under this section shall be specific to the service site or sites at which the violations of applicable law or rules occurred. The order shall not apply to other service sites governed by chapter 245D and operated by the same license holder unless the commissioner has included in the order the articulable basis for applying the order to another service site. (b) If the commissioner has issued more than one license to the license holder under this chapter, the conditions imposed under this section shall be specific to the license for the program at which the violations of applicable law or rules occurred and shall not apply to other licenses held by the same license holder if those programs are being operated in substantial compliance with applicable law and rules. Subd. 2. Reconsideration of correction orders. If the applicant or license holder believes that the contents of the commissioner’s correction order are in error, the applicant or license holder may ask the Department of Human Services to reconsider


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