First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

allowance for profit or be based on any formula that includes an allowance for profit. (b) If the owner of the physical plant of a program is not a related party, the court shall order the controlling individual to continue as the lessee of the property during the receivership period. Rental payments during the receivership period shall be made to the owner of the physical plant by the commissioner or the managing agent on behalf of the controlling individual. Subd. 4. Fee. A receiver appointed under an involuntary receivership or the managing agent is entitled to a reasonable fee as determined by the court. Subd. 5. Termination. An involuntary receivership terminates 36 months after the date on which it was ordered or at any other time designated by the court or when any of the following events occurs: (1) the commissioner determines that the program’s license or certification application should be granted or should not be suspended or revoked; (2) a new license or certification is granted to the program; (3) the commissioner determines that all persons residing in a residential program have been provided with alternative residential programs or that all persons receiving services in a nonresidential program have been referred to other programs; or (4) the court determines that the receivership is no longer necessary because the conditions which gave rise to the receivership no longer exist. Subd. 6. Emergency procedure. If it appears from the petition filed under subdivision 1, from an affidavit or affidavits filed with the petition, or from testimony of witnesses under oath if the court determines it necessary, that there is probable cause to believe that an emergency exists in a residential or nonresidential program, the court shall issue a temporary order for appointment of a receiver within five days after receipt of the petition. Notice of the petition must be served on the program administrator and on the persons designated as agents by the controlling individuals to accept service on their behalf. A hearing on the petition must be held within five days after notice is served unless the administrator or authorized agent consents to a later date. After the hearing, the court may continue, modify, or terminate the temporary order. Subd. 7. Rate recommendation. The commissioner of human services may review rates of a residential or nonresidential program participating in the medical assistance program which is in receivership and that has needs or deficiencies documented by the Department of Health or the Department of Human Services. If the commissioner of human services determines that a review of the rate established under sections 256B.5012 and 256B.5013 is needed, the commissioner shall: (1) review the order or determination that cites the deficiencies or needs; and (2) determine the need for additional staff, additional annual hours by type of employee, and additional consultants, services, supplies, equipment, repairs, or capital assets necessary to satisfy the needs or deficiencies. Subd. 8. Adjustment to the rate. Upon review of rates under subdivision 7, the commissioner may adjust the program’s payment rate. The commissioner shall review


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