First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subd. 7. Restriction exceptions. When a license holder has reason to accelerate the number of unsupervised or take-home doses of methadone hydrochloride, the license holder must comply with the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 8.12, the criteria for unsupervised use in subdivision 5, and must use the exception process provided by the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Division of Pharmacologic Therapies. For the purposes of enforcement of this subdivision, the commissioner has the authority to monitor for compliance with these federal regulations and may issue licensing actions according to sections 245A.05, 245A.06, and 245A.07 based on the commissioner’s determination of noncompliance. Subd. 8. Guest dosing. In order to receive a guest dose, the client must be enrolled in an opioid treatment program elsewhere in the state or country and be receiving the medication on a temporary basis because the client is not able to receive the medication at the program in which the client is enrolled. Such arrangements shall not exceed 30 consecutive days in any one program and must not be for the convenience or benefit of either program. Guest dosing may also occur when the client’s primary clinic is not open and the client is not receiving take-home doses. Subd. 9. Data and reporting. The license holder must submit data concerning medication used for the treatment of opioid addiction to a central registry. The data must be submitted in a method determined by the commissioner and must be submitted for each client at the time of admission and discharge. The program must document the date the information was submitted. This requirement is effective upon implementation of changes to the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Normative Evaluation System (DAANES) or development of an electronic system by which to submit the data. Subd. 10. Nonmedication treatment services; documentation. (a) The program must offer at least 50 consecutive minutes of individual or group therapy treatment services as defined in Minnesota Rules, part 9530.6430, subpart 1, item A, subitem (1), per week, for the first ten weeks following admission, and at least 50 consecutive minutes per month thereafter. As clinically appropriate, the program may offer these services cumulatively and not consecutively in increments of no less than 15 minutes over the required time period, and for a total of 60 minutes of treatment services over the time period, and must document the reason for providing services cumulatively in the client’s record. The program may offer additional levels of service when deemed clinically necessary. (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of comprehensive assessments in Minnesota Rules, part 9530.6422, the assessment must be completed within 21 days of service initiation. (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of individual treatment plans set forth in Minnesota Rules, part 9530.6425: (1) treatment plan contents for maintenance clients are not required to include goals the client must reach to complete treatment and have services terminated; (2) treatment plans for clients in a taper or detox status must include goals the client must reach to complete treatment and have services terminated;


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