First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

order requires assessment by the person administering or dispensing the medication to determine the amount to be administered or dispensed, the assessment must be completed by an individual whose professional scope of practice permits such assessment. For the purposes of enforcement of this paragraph, the commissioner has the authority to monitor for compliance with these state and federal regulations and the relevant standards of the license holder’s accreditation agency and may issue licensing actions according to sections 245A.05, 245A.06, and 245A.07 based on the commissioner’s determination of noncompliance. Subd. 13. Quality improvement plan. The license holder must develop and maintain a quality improvement process and plan. The plan must: (1) include evaluation of the services provided to clients with the goal of identifying issues that may improve service delivery and client outcomes; (2) include goals for the program to accomplish based on the evaluation; (3) be reviewed annually by the management of the program to determine whether the goals were met and, if not, whether additional action is required; (4) be updated at least annually to include new or continued goals based on an updated evaluation of services; and (5) identify two specific goal areas, in addition to others identified by the program, including: (i) a goal concerning oversight and monitoring of the premises around and near the exterior of the program to reduce the possibility of medication used for the treatment of opioid addiction being inappropriately used by clients, including but not limited to the sale or transfer of the medication to others; and (ii) a goal concerning community outreach, including but not limited to communications with local law enforcement and county human services agencies, with the goal of increasing coordination of services and identification of areas of concern to be addressed in the plan. Subd. 14. Placing authorities. Programs must provide certain notification and client-specific updates to placing authorities for clients who are enrolled in Minnesota health care programs. At the request of the placing authority, the program must provide client-specific updates, including but not limited to informing the placing authority of positive drug screenings and changes in medications used for the treatment of opioid addiction ordered for the client. Subd. 15. A program’s duty to report suspected drug diversion. (a) To the fullest extent permitted under Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, sections 2.1 to 2.67, a program shall report to law enforcement any credible evidence that the program or its personnel knows, or reasonably should know, that is directly related to a diversion crime on the premises of the program, or a threat to commit a diversion crime. (b) “Diversion crime,” for the purposes of this section, means diverting, attempting to divert, or conspiring to divert Schedule I, II, III, or IV drugs, as defined in section 152.02, on the program’s premises.


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