First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

245A.30 LICENSING PROHIBITION FOR CERTAIN FACILITIES SERVING CHILDREN. The commissioner may not: (1) issue any license under Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.0010 to 2960.0710, for the residential placement of children at a facility if the facility accepts children who reside outside of Minnesota without an agreement with the entity placing the child at the facility that obligates the entity to pay the educational and medical expenses of the child; or (2) renew a license under Minnesota Rules, parts 2960.0010 to 2960.0710, for the residential placement of children if the facility accepts children who reside outside of Minnesota without an agreement with the entity placing the child at the facility that obligates the entity to pay the educational and medical expenses of the child. 245A.40 CHILD CARE CENTER TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Orientation. The child care center license holder must ensure that every staff person and volunteer is given orientation training and successfully completes the training before starting assigned duties. The orientation training in this subdivision applies to volunteers who will have direct contact with or access to children and who are not under the direct supervision of a staff person. Completion of the orientation must be documented in the individual’s personnel record. The orientation training must include information about: (1) the center’s philosophy, child care program, and procedures for maintaining health and safety and handling emergencies and accidents; (2) specific job responsibilities; (3) the behavior guidance standards in Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0055; and (4) the reporting responsibilities in section 626.556, and Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0130. Subd. 2. Child growth and development training. (a) For purposes of child care centers, the director and all staff hired after July 1, 2006, shall complete and document at least two hours of child growth and development training within the first year of employment. For purposes of this subdivision, “child growth and development training” means training in understanding how children acquire language and develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Training completed under this subdivision may be used to meet the orientation training requirements under subdivision 1 and the in- service training requirements under subdivision 7. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), individuals are exempt from this requirement if they: (1) have taken a three-credit college course on early childhood development within the past five years; (2) have received a baccalaureate or master’s degree in early childhood education or school-age child care within the past five years;


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