First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

must document that before staff persons care for infants or children under school age, they receive training on the risk of abusive head trauma from shaking infants and young children. The training in this subdivision may be provided as orientation training under subdivision 1 and in-service training under subdivision 7. (b) Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training required under this subdivision must be at least one-half hour in length and must be completed at least once every year. At a minimum, the training must address the risk factors related to sudden unexpected infant death, means of reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death in child care, and license holder communication with parents regarding reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. (c) Abusive head trauma training under this subdivision must be at least one- half hour in length and must be completed at least once every year. At a minimum, the training must address the risk factors related to shaking infants and young children, means to reduce the risk of abusive head trauma in child care, and license holder communication with parents regarding reducing the risk of abusive head trauma. (d) The commissioner shall make available for viewing a video presentation on the dangers associated with shaking infants and young children, which may be used in conjunction with the annual training required under paragraph (c). Subd. 6. Child passenger restraint systems; training requirement. (a) A license holder must comply with all seat belt and child passenger restraint system requirements under section 169.685. (b) Child care centers that serve a child or children under nine years of age must document training that fulfills the requirements in this subdivision. (1) Before a license holder transports a child or children under age nine in a motor vehicle, the person placing the child or children in a passenger restraint must satisfactorily complete training on the proper use and installation of child restraint systems in motor vehicles. Training completed under this subdivision may be used to meet orientation training under subdivision 1 and in-service training under subdivision 7. (2) Training required under this subdivision must be at least one hour in length, completed at orientation, and repeated at least once every five years. At a minimum, the training must address the proper use of child restraint systems based on the child’s size, weight, and age, and the proper installation of a car seat or booster seat in the motor vehicle used by the license holder to transport the child or children. (3) Training required under this subdivision must be provided by individuals who are certified and approved by the Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety. License holders may obtain a list of certified and approved trainers through the Department of Public Safety Web site or by contacting the agency. (4) Child care providers that only transport school-age children as defined in section 245A.02, subdivision 16, in child care buses as defined in section 169.448, subdivision 1, paragraph (e), are exempt from this subdivision. Subd. 7. In-service. (a) A license holder must ensure that an annual in-service training plan is developed and carried out and that it meets the requirements in clauses (1) to (7). The in-service training plan must: 211

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