First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(1) an understanding and support of the importance of culture and differences in ability in children’s identity development; (2) understanding the importance of awareness of cultural differences and similarities in working with children and their families; (3) understanding and support of the needs of families and children with differences in ability; (4) developing skills to help children develop unbiased attitudes about cultural differences and differences in ability; (5) developing skills in culturally appropriate caregiving; and (6) developing skills in appropriate caregiving for children of different abilities. (b) Curriculum for cultural dynamics and disability training shall be approved by the commissioner. (c) The commissioner shall amend current rules relating to the training of the licensed child care center staff to require cultural dynamics training. Timelines established in the rule amendments for complying with the cultural dynamics training requirements must be based on the commissioner’s determination that curriculum materials and trainers are available statewide. (d) For programs caring for children with special needs, the license holder shall ensure that any additional staff training required by the child’s individual child care program plan required under Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0065, subpart 3, is provided . 245A.50 FAMILY CHILD CARE TRAINING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Initial training. (a) License holders, caregivers, and substitutes must comply with the training requirements in this section. (b) Helpers who assist with care on a regular basis must complete six hours of training within one year after the date of initial employment. (c) Training requirements established under this section that must be completed prior to initial licensure must be satisfied only by a newly licensed child care provider or by a child care provider who has not held an active child care license in Minnesota in the previous 12 months. A child care provider who relocates within the state or who voluntarily cancels a license or allows the license to lapse for a period of less than 12 months and who seeks reinstatement of the lapsed or canceled license within 12 months of the lapse or cancellation must satisfy the annual, ongoing training requirements, and is not required to satisfy the training requirements that must be completed prior to initial licensure. Subd. 2. Child growth and development and behavior guidance training. (a) For purposes of family and group family child care, the license holder and each adult caregiver who provides care in the licensed setting for more than 30 days in any 12-month period shall complete and document at least four hours of child growth and development and behavior guidance training prior to initial licensure, and before caring for children. For purposes of this subdivision, “child growth and development training”


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