First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(1) by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross and incorporates psychomotor skills to support the instruction; or (2) using nationally recognized, evidence-based guidelines for CPR training and incorporates psychomotor skills to support the instruction. Subd. 5. Sudden unexpected infant death and abusive head trauma training. (a) License holders must document that before staff persons, caregivers, and helpers assist in the care of infants, they are instructed on the standards in section 245A.1435 and receive training on reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. In addition, license holders must document that before staff persons, caregivers, and helpers assist in the care of infants and children under school age, they receive training on reducing the risk of abusive head trauma from shaking infants and young children. The training in this subdivision may be provided as initial training under subdivision 1 or ongoing annual training under subdivision 7. (b) Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training required under this subdivision must, at a minimum, address the risk factors related to sudden unexpected infant death, means of reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death in child care, and license holder communication with parents regarding reducing the risk of sudden unexpected infant death. (c) Abusive head trauma training required under this subdivision must, at a minimum, address the risk factors related to shaking infants and young children, means of reducing the risk of abusive head trauma in child care, and license holder communication with parents regarding reducing the risk of abusive head trauma. (d) Training for family and group family child care providers must be developed by the commissioner in conjunction with the Minnesota Sudden Infant Death Center and approved by the Minnesota Center for Professional Development. Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training and abusive head trauma training may be provided in a single course of no more than two hours in length. (e) Sudden unexpected infant death reduction training and abusive head trauma training required under this subdivision must be completed in person or as allowed under subdivision 10, clause (1) or (2), at least once every two years. On the years when the license holder is not receiving training in person or as allowed under subdivision 10, clause (1) or (2), the license holder must receive sudden unexpected infant death reduction training and abusive head trauma training through a video of no more than one hour in length. The video must be developed or approved by the commissioner. Subd. 6. Child passenger restraint systems; training requirement. (a) A license holder must comply with all seat belt and child passenger restraint system requirements under section 169.685. (b) Family and group family child care programs licensed by the Department of Human Services that serve a child or children under nine years of age must document training that fulfills the requirements in this subdivision. (1) Before a license holder, staff person, caregiver, or helper transports a child or children under age nine in a motor vehicle, the person placing the child or children


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