First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

building as it relates to the safety of the clients; and the existence of areas in the building which are difficult to supervise. (3) The assessment of the environment for each facility and for each site when living arrangements are provided by the agency shall include an evaluation of the following factors: the location of the program in a particular neighborhood or community; the type of grounds and terrain surrounding the building; the type of internal programming; and the program’s staffing patterns. (4) The license holder shall provide an orientation to the program abuse prevention plan for clients receiving services. If applicable, the client’s legal representative must be notified of the orientation. The license holder shall provide this orientation for each new person within 24 hours of admission, or for persons who would benefit more from a later orientation, the orientation may take place within 72 hours. (5) The license holder’s governing body or the governing body’s delegated representative shall review the plan at least annually using the assessment factors in the plan and any substantiated maltreatment findings that occurred since the last review. The governing body or the governing body’s delegated representative shall revise the plan, if necessary, to reflect the review results. (6) A copy of the program abuse prevention plan shall be posted in a prominent location in the program and be available upon request to mandated reporters, persons receiving services, and legal representatives. (b) In addition to the requirements in section 626.557, subdivision 14, the individual abuse prevention plan shall meet the requirements in clauses (1) and (2). (1) The plan shall include a statement of measures that will be taken to minimize the risk of abuse to the vulnerable adult when the individual assessment required in section 626.557, subdivision 14, paragraph (b), indicates the need for measures in addition to the specific measures identified in the program abuse prevention plan. The measures shall include the specific actions the program will take to minimize the risk of abuse within the scope of the licensed services, and will identify referrals made when the vulnerable adult is susceptible to abuse outside the scope or control of the licensed services. When the assessment indicates that the vulnerable adult does not need specific risk reduction measures in addition to those identified in the program abuse prevention plan, the individual abuse prevention plan shall document this determination. (2) An individual abuse prevention plan shall be developed for each new person as part of the initial individual program plan or service plan required under the applicable licensing rule. The review and evaluation of the individual abuse prevention plan shall be done as part of the review of the program plan or service plan. The person receiving services shall participate in the development of the individual abuse prevention plan to the full extent of the person’s abilities. If applicable, the person’s legal representative shall be given the opportunity to participate with or for the person in the development of the plan. The interdisciplinary team shall document the review of all abuse prevention plans at least annually, using the individual assessment and any reports of abuse relating to the person. The plan shall be revised to reflect the results of this review.


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