First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(f) The plan must include specific policies and procedures to ensure adequate supervision of children at all times as defined under section 245A.02, subdivision 18, with particular emphasis on: (1) times when children are transitioned from one area within the facility to another; (2) nap-time supervision, including infant crib rooms as specified under section 245A.02, subdivision 18, which requires that when an infant is placed in a crib to sleep, supervision occurs when a staff person is within sight or hearing of the infant. When supervision of a crib room is provided by sight or hearing, the center must have a plan to address the other supervision components; (3) child drop-off and pick-up times; (4) supervision during outdoor play and on community activities, including but not limited to field trips and neighborhood walks; and (5) supervision of children in hallways. Subd. 3. Orientation to risk reduction plan and annual review of plan. (a) The license holder shall ensure that all mandated reporters, as defined in section 626.556, subdivision 3, who are under the control of the license holder, receive an orientation to the risk reduction plan prior to first providing unsupervised direct contact services, as defined in section 245C.02, subdivision 11, to children, not to exceed 14 days from the first supervised direct contact, and annually thereafter. The license holder must document the orientation to the risk reduction plan in the mandated reporter’s personnel records. (b) The license holder must review the risk reduction plan annually and document the annual review. When conducting the review, the license holder must consider incidents that have occurred in the center since the last review, including: (1) the assessment factors in the plan; (2) the internal reviews conducted under this section, if any; (3) substantiated maltreatment findings, if any; and (4) incidents that caused injury or harm to a child, if any, that occurred since the last review. Following any change to the risk reduction plan, the license holder must inform mandated reporters, under the control of the license holder, of the changes in the risk reduction plan, and document that the mandated reporters were informed of the changes.


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