First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

245C.17 NOTICE OF BACKGROUND STUDY RESULTS. Subdivision 1. Time frame for notice of study results and auditing system access. (a) Within three working days after the commissioner’s receipt of a request for a background study submitted through the commissioner’s NETStudy or NETStudy 2.0 system, the commissioner shall notify the background study subject and the license holder or other entity as provided in this chapter in writing or by electronic transmission of the results of the study or that more time is needed to complete the study. The notice to the individual shall include the identity of the entity that initiated the background study. (b) Before being provided access to NETStudy 2.0, the license holder or other entity under section 245C.04 shall sign an acknowledgment of responsibilities form developed by the commissioner that includes identifying the sensitive background study information person, who must be an employee of the license holder or entity. All queries to NETStudy 2.0 are electronically recorded and subject to audit by the commissioner. The electronic record shall identify the specific user. A background study subject may request in writing to the commissioner a report listing the entities that initiated a background study on the individual. (c) When the commissioner has completed a prior background study on an individual that resulted in an order for immediate removal and more time is necessary to complete a subsequent study, the notice that more time is needed that is issued under paragraph (a) shall include an order for immediate removal of the individual from any position allowing direct contact with or access to people receiving services pending completion of the background study. Subd. 2. Disqualification notice sent to subject. (a) If the information in the study indicates the individual is disqualified from direct contact with, or from access to, persons served by the program, the commissioner shall disclose to the individual studied: (1) the information causing disqualification; (2) instructions on how to request a reconsideration of the disqualification; (3) an explanation of any restrictions on the commissioner’s discretion to set aside the disqualification under section 245C.24, when applicable to the individual; (4) a statement that, if the individual’s disqualification is set aside under section 245C.22, the applicant, license holder, or other entity that initiated the background study will be provided with the reason for the individual’s disqualification and an explanation that the factors under section 245C.22, subdivision 4, which were the basis of the decision to set aside the disqualification shall be made available to the license holder upon request without the consent of the subject of the background study; (5) a statement indicating that if the individual’s disqualification is set aside or the facility is granted a variance under section 245C.30, the individual’s identity and the reason for the individual’s disqualification will become public data under section 245C.22, subdivision 7, when applicable to the individual;


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