First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

Subd. 2. Background studies initiated by others; personnel pool agencies, temporary personnel agencies, supplemental nursing services agencies, or professional services agencies. When a license holder relies on a background study initiated by a personnel pool agency, a temporary personnel agency, a supplemental nursing services agency, or a professional services agency for a person required to have a background study completed under section 245C.03, the license holder must maintain a copy of the background study results in the license holder’s files. Subd. 2a. Background studies initiated by others; educational programs. When a license holder relies on a background study initiated by an educational program for a person required to have a background study completed under section 245C.03 and the person is on the educational program’s active roster, the license holder is responsible for ensuring that the background study has been completed. The license holder may satisfy the documentation requirements through a written agreement with the educational program verifying that documentation of the background study may be provided upon request and that the educational program will inform the license holder if there is a change in the person’s background study status. The license holder remains responsible for ensuring that all background study requirements are met. Subd. 3. Background studies identified on active rosters. The requirements in subdivisions 1 and 2 are met for entities for which active rosters are implemented and for whom all individuals affiliated with the entity are recorded on the active roster. 245C.21 REQUESTING RECONSIDERATION OF DISQUALIFICATION. Subdivision 1.Who may request reconsideration. An individual who is the subject of a disqualification may request a reconsideration of the disqualification. The individual must submit the request for reconsideration to the commissioner in writing. Subd. 1a. Submission of reconsideration request. (a) For disqualifications related to studies conducted by county agencies for family child care, and for disqualifications related to studies conducted by the commissioner for child foster care, adult foster care, and family adult day services, the individual shall submit the request for reconsideration to the county agency that initiated the background study. (b) For disqualifications related to studies conducted by the commissioner for child foster care providers monitored by private licensing agencies under section 245A.16, the individual shall submit the request for reconsideration to the private agency that initiated the background study. (c) A reconsideration request shall be submitted within 30 days of the individual’s receipt of the disqualification notice or the time frames specified in subdivision 2, whichever time frame is shorter. (d) The county or private agency shall forward the individual’s request for reconsideration and provide the commissioner with a recommendation whether to set aside the individual’s disqualification. Subd. 2. Time frame for requesting reconsideration . (a) When the commissioner sends an individual a notice of disqualification based on a finding under section 245C.16, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), clause (1) or (2), the disqualified individual must submit the


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