First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

subdivision 9d, and reconsideration of a disqualification under section 245C.22, must not be conducted when: (1) a denial of a license under section 245A.05, or a licensing sanction under section 245A.07, is based on a determination that the license holder is responsible for maltreatment or the disqualification of a license holder based on serious or recurring maltreatment; (2) the denial of a license or licensing sanction is issued at the same time as the maltreatment determination or disqualification; and (3) the license holder appeals the maltreatment determination, disqualification, and denial of a license or licensing sanction. In such cases a fair hearing under section 256.045 must not be conducted under sections 245C.27, 626.556, subdivision 10i, and 626.557, subdivision 9d. Under section 245A.08, subdivision 2a, the scope of the consolidated contested case hearing must include the maltreatment determination, disqualification, and denial of a license or licensing sanction. Notwithstanding clauses (1) to (3), if the license holder appeals the maltreatment determination or disqualification, but does not appeal the denial of a license or a licensing sanction, reconsideration of the maltreatment determination shall be conducted under sections 626.556, subdivision 10i, and 626.557, subdivision 9d, and reconsideration of the disqualification shall be conducted under section 245C.22. In such cases, a fair hearing shall also be conducted as provided under sections 245C.27, 626.556, subdivision 10i, and 626.557, subdivision 9d. Subd. 2. Individual other than license holder. If the basis for the commissioner’s denial of a license under section 245A.05 or a licensing sanction under section 245A.07 is a maltreatment determination or disqualification that was not set aside under section 245C.22, and the disqualified subject is an individual other than the license holder and upon whom a background study must be conducted under section 245C.03, the hearing of all parties may be consolidated into a single contested case hearing upon consent of all parties and the administrative law judge. Subd. 3. Employees of public employer. (a) A disqualified individual who is an employee of an employer, as defined in section 179A.03, subdivision 15, may request a contested case hearing under chapter 14, and specifically Minnesota Rules, parts 1400.8505 to 1400.8612, following a reconsideration decision under section 245C.23, unless the disqualification is deemed conclusive under section 245C.29. The request for a contested case hearing must be made in writing and must be postmarked and sent within 30 calendar days after the employee receives notice of the reconsideration decision. If the individual was disqualified based on a conviction or admission to any crimes listed in section 245C.15, the scope of the contested case hearing shall be limited solely to whether the individual poses a risk of harm pursuant to section 245C.22. (b) When an individual is disqualified based on a maltreatment determination, the scope of the contested case hearing under paragraph (a), must include the maltreatment determination and the disqualification. In such cases, a fair hearing must not be conducted under section 256.045.


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