First Considerations in Starting a Family Child Care Busine…

(2) completion of a nine month child development assistant program at an

accredited technical college;

(3) a current Level I or Level II prekindergarten license from the

Department of Education;

(4) a kindergarten through sixth grade teaching degree from an accredited university or college that includes a minimum of 30 hours of child development training; or (5) documentation of a minimum of six months satisfactory experience as a full-time teacher at a state licensed group day care center. Subp. 3a. Accredited. For the purposes of this part, “accredited” means a postsecondary institution or technical college recognized and listed by a regional, state, or national group approved by the department. To be approved, a group must meet the following criteria: A. it must be capable of conducting site visits to evaluate the facilities used by the program; B. it must be capable of evaluating the quality of the program and its faculty; C. it must have standards which ensure that persons who complete the program have the knowledge and training to work as group family day care providers; and D. it must not be affiliated with any individual program, postsecondary institution, or technical college. Subp. 4. Day care insurance coverage. A provider shall have: A. a certificate of insurance for the residence for general liability coverage for bodily injury in the amount of at least $100,000 per person and $250,000 per occurrence; or B. if the provider has liability coverage of lesser limits or no liability coverage, the provider shall give a written notice of the level of liability coverage to parents of all children in care prior to admission or when there is a change in the amount of insurance coverage; and C. the provider shall maintain copies of the notice, signed by the parents to indicate they have read and understood it, in the provider’s records on the residence as specified in part 9502.0405. 9502.0365 LICENSED CAPACITY, CHILD/ADULT RATIOS, AGE DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS. Subpart 1. Capacity limits. Family day care and group family day care providers shall comply with part 9502.0367, which limits the total number of children and the number of preschoolers, toddlers, and infants who may be in care at any one time, and provides for the number of adults who are required to be present. A. Providers shall be licensed for the total number of children, ten years of age or younger, who are present in the residence at any one time. The licensed capacity must include all children of any caregiver when the children are present in the residence. B. Within the licensed capacity, the age distribution restrictions specify the maximum number of children under school age, infants, and toddlers who are in care at any one time. 95

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