


By producing over 50 publications, including toolkits and policy briefs, in addition to social media campaigns, podcasts, newsletters and other knowledge-sharing activities, GIJTR has transformed the field of transitional justice through its groundbreaking practices, findings and recommendations—particularly in terms of the necessity of centering civil society in all interventions developed to meet post-conflict needs. Further, GIJTR has foregrounded the essential role of memory in effective truth and justice initiatives; communicated the importance of carrying out informal transitional justice processes alongside formal ones in order to effectively build trust among and engage as many members of civil society as possible in sustaining peace; and shown the necessity of mainstreaming MHPSS, which is now considered standard practice, with GIJTR’s work regularly cited by national and international entities including the African Union and the United Nations. Rita Izsák-Ndiaye, Senior Advisor on Anti-Racism at the United Nations Development Programme, speaking at GIJTR’s State of Truth in the World Report Launch at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in October 2023. The groundbreaking report, written largely by local civil society actors with a diversity of lived experience and expertise, offers holistic, survivor-centered analysis of the access to and protection of historical truths in 18 countries worldwide. It is, in Izsák-Ndiaye’s words, “a testimony to resilience and community struggles against all odds.”

Dario Colmenares Millán, a GIJTR Program Director, speaking at a meeting of Mexican CSOs in Mexico City in February 2023. GIJTR is building the capacities of Mexican CSOs to effectively participate in the activities of the country’s Truth Commission—including collecting documentation to inform the Commission’s findings— and ultimately implement its recommendations. By supporting the full engagement of a knowledgeable civil society rooted in local communities, GIJTR enhances the quality of formal transitional justice processes by both ensuring that state processes are informed by victims and their representatives, and that CSOs are themselves equipped with the skills to hold states accountable.


Transforming Transitional Justice: A Decade of Change, Growth & Sustained Impact—A Summary Report

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