Connecting to Invisble Sources of Power

5 Steps Connecting to Invisible Sources of Power 1

As you embark on this journey, questions for your continual reflection: 1. What is my calling in FT Level 3? Why am I being called to this work? 2. What part of me have I forgotten? My golden shadow? 3. What is my holy obstacle in this work? What is the purpose of my obstacle? How would transforming my obstacle give birth to my medicine for the world? 4. To prepare my life for this shift in awareness: – Are there any changes of diet, exercise, clothing etc to help my physical body? 5. Is there any homework I must do? 6. Who are my Spirit Allies? How do I need to organize my life? –


Following guidance is a systematic letting go of an outer ego that may try to make you safe but cannot. Guidance reconnects you to your original power. You become a child of God. In this surrender, you find another power – the power of God within. You become an instrument of God. You find all the power, wisdom and love of God within you. Barbara Brennan 3


1. Groundwork 2. Release 3. Align

4. Connect 5. Ending

Prayer from Caroline Myss: Fill this moment with GRACE so I can find my way forward .


Step 1: Groundwork Preparing the Physical to meet the Spiritual R A C E


1. Regular groundwork to clear & strengthen your channel to higher guidance. 2. Preparation before L3 sessions.


• Energy: Clear, energetic and flowing. – Open the chakras and minor chakra exercises. – Humming. Toning. – Clear your own energy field of blocks, attachments & possessions. – Ground in nature.

Regular Groundwork: Training to be a clear & strong channel for the Divine

• Physical: Strong.

– Exercise e.g. weight training. – Change your diet. – Eat more supplements. – Reduce mind altering substances such as alcohol. – Rest. Sleep.

Refer to Chapter 26 Hands of Light


• Psychological: Stable and mature. – Morning pages. – Monologues. – L1 Sessions. – Inner Work on projections and transferences. • Mind: Calm, clear and focused. – Meditate.

Regular Groundwork: Training to be a clear & strong channel for the Divine

• Spirituality: Connected.

– Hara Line Meditation: Intentionality powers my life. – Core Star: I am light.

• Practice: Practice. Practice.

– Open your High Sense Perception. – Connect to your Spiritual Guides every day like Barbara Brennan, Eva Pierrakos & Eileen Caddy. – Use guidance to help yourself in your life.


1. Time 2. Physical Space 3. Physical Body 4. Protection 5. Intentionality


• Take time to ask a good question. • As you get clearer, your question may also change. Your answer may also evolve. • No one is a clear channel all the time. It is good to repeat the divination many times until clarity is achieved. • Sometimes, time is needed for the answer to develop from within you. • For life changing issues, 30 – 60 min is not enough. Vision quest from 1 day – 1 year or more is suggested.


1. It is good to do your L3 sessions in the same space with a sacred altar. So that the energy builds over time. 2. If it is a new place, ask the Spirit of the Place if you can do L3 work here. If yes, make an offering of gratitude. 3. Clean the space physically: Sweep. Tidy. 4. Create your sacred space with whatever speaks to your soul and/or directions from Spirit Allies. The basic L3 sacred space is the circle. Some ideas: – Circle with seeds, flowers, candles, stones and crystals. – Mandalas with grains and salt. – Cloths, prayer flags and mats. – Photos or statues of your Spirit Allies. 5. Place your sacred divination tools e.g. tarot cards. 6. Cleanse the space and set up energetically: – Vodka & Epsom Salt. – Sage. Other sacred herbs. – Essential Oils. – Incense. – Sound e.g. singing bowls, drums, rattles, chanting etc. – Crystals.


G3: Physical Body

• Use any of the energetic

exercises to clear and charge your chakras and energy field.

• Ground in nature. • Cleanse yourself:

– Shower with water. – Smoke with sage – Spray with essential oils.

• Offer a personal sacrifice:

– Abstain from food or water.

• Wear ceremonial clothes:

– Let go of present identity.


G4. Protection: Space Step 1: Invoking your Spirit Allies • Call the Cardinal Directions: East, South, West, North, Down, Up, Within. • Call the 3 Protectors: Power Animal, Spiritual Guides, and Transcendental Ancestors. • Call on the blessings of: – Spirit of the 4 elements – Nature Spirits – Plant Spirits – Animal Spirits • Using a familiar prayer: – Hail Mary. • Using a familiar chant: – Om mani padme hum.

Step 2: Make an offering to your Spirit Allies

• Incense. Essential Oils. Flowers. Fruits. Seeds. • Light a candle.


G4. Protection: Self • Energetic:

– Form a bubble of white light and/or golden light around you. – Paint your aura with rainbow. – Pull light from the sun above you.

• Affirmation:

– I declare that I am

safe and protected in doing this work.

• Presence:

– Fearless and loving. 14

• Be clear about your intentionality. • Dualistic and conflicting intentionalities create confusion in the divination. • Be clear about the question you want to ask. • 1 question per journey. • Do you really want to know the truth? • Which part of you is asking the question? Why? • Once you are clear, state the question and the intentionality 3 x. • I want to go to the upper world to ask Guan Yin ……. 15

G5. Intentionality

Example of Invocation for Protection & Declaration of Intentionality We ask the strong light and love of Spirit to protect this space from any harmful and negative energies. We ask our highest and most evolved spiritual guides to come and guide us so that we may become people of light and love.

May all grow strong in this place of healing. May all feel the peace and love of Spirit. May all know their spiritual guides.


Example of Invocation for Protection & Declaration of Intentionality We dedicate this lecture and workshop to spirit. Spirit as wisdom. Spirit as love. Spirit as power. We ask Spirit to turn this space into a sanctuary of peace and healing for all who come here. We ask Spirit to use this space as a haven of light and love.


Ethical Boundary: Only give a divination if …:

1. The client gives you permission. 2. There is a solution to the problem. Or your divination is helpful. 3. The client wants to work on the problem.


Step 2: Release Clearing Your Personal Blocks R A C E


R1: Psychological Release Do your transformational work here to release your own psychological blocks. Some questions to inquire into: 1. Am I willing to know the truth? 2. What are my fears and hopes around this question? 3. Which parts of me are blocking this question? 4. What is my relationship to miracles? 5. What is good about my current situation? What do I get out of not wanting to change or to heal?


R1. My Desires: • What are my own hopes? • What is my wishful thinking? • What do I want to hear? • Am I willing to let go of my attachments to outcomes?


R1. My Fears: • What are my fears? • What am I really afraid of hearing or knowing? • Am I willing to release this fear of the truth? • Am I ready to change my life?


R2: Energetic Release • Tapping: – Left side tapping: double negative – I no longer believe that I cannot connect to my spiritual guides. – Right side tapping: – Every time I practice, my connection grows stronger. I hear and see them clearly. • Inhale/Exhale: – I inhale my strong connection. I exhale my blocks to my guides. • Throw into energetic container: – I throw into the container all my fears. Doubts. Low self-worth. • Zip Up: – Every time I practice, my connection to my spiritual guides becomes stronger. • Dismemberment: – I ask my spiritual guides to dismember whatever stands in the way of connecting to my spiritual guides. • Sing the Sun Song: – Morning sun. Morning sun. Come my way.


R3: Deeper Release

• When you have done many rounds and years of inner work and you still feel stuck, look at the following issues:

– Past Lives – Ancestors – Possessions

• Ask for community divination. – Is something keeping me stuck or do I need patience to grow into the answer? – Is this divine will or is this my lower self?


If you really want spiritual guidance:

• Empty your mind of your own agenda. • Let go of the attachments in your heart. • Surrender.


Step 3: Align Adjusting Our Frequencies to Connect to The Highest Frequency We Can Handle R A C E


1. Repetitive Sounds: Drumming, Rattling. Binaural beats. 2. Voice: Power Songs. Chanting mantras. Humming. Toning. Prayer. 3. Breath: Different breath patterns for different purposes: Charge energy field. Calm the mind. Relax the body. 4. Light: Connecting and calling the light. Sun. Moon. 5. Postures: Surrender Posture. 6. Visualization: Going to the Sacred Garden. Journey to the Upper World. Lower World. 7. Teaching fromWinter Solstice: Silence. Solitude. Stillness. Darkness. 8. Body Movement: Power Animal Dance. 9. Focusing the Mind: Candlelight. Meditation. 27

Some Methods of Going into Nonordinary States of Consciousness

Step 4: Connect Communicating with Your Spirit Allies R A C E


Distance is an illusion. In our imagination, we can invite our Spirit Allies to come or we can travel there.

C1: Qualities we can bring into the relationship • Commitment • Courage

• Discipline • Enjoyment • Experiment • Expectation of miracles

• Faith • Flow • Gratitude • Imagination • Integrity • Openness • Play • Relaxation • Surrender • Trust


C2: Guidelines for Connecting from Core Light Healing

Allow Simply allow yourself to know the information. Do not assume that you must bring the information into your body to know it.

Focus Focus your mind on the question. Concentrate your awareness.


Receive Once you make a strong connection, move into a receptive witness state of mind. Allow the information to unfold.

Stay in Stay in the

Make the connection. Send a pseudopod of energy consciousness. Use your imagination.

witness state of mind.


Do not interpret the information. If you do, you have jumped out of the witness mind into the active mind.

You are now trying to figure out what the information means. You have stopped the flow of communication. You will need to ask the question again. Or align. Once you allow the information to unfold, you have succeeded in maintaining your connection. As the information unfolds, its meaning may or may not become clear. If not, ask another question. Let your curiosity guide you.

C3: Guidelines for Receiving Guidance. Adapted from Core Light Healing

The information that you receive will answer your question. Provided your question is clear and simple.

Once it is answered, your curiosity will be sparked again to find more information to add to what you already now know to make it more complete.


C4: Receive Guidance Through All Your Chakra Senses & Other Channels. Adapted from Hands of Light • Chakra 1: Bodily sensation eg. energy moment, pleasure, pain, hair standing. • Chakra 2: Emotional feeling eg. joy, anger. • Chakra 3: Vague sense of knowing. • Chakra 4: Love. • Chakra 5: Sounds, words or music and taste and smell. • Chakra 6: Clear pictures, either symbolic or literal. • Chakra 7: Receiving a whole concept that is beyond the egoic understanding. • Synchronicity. • Dreamwork.


Release, Alignment & Connect If your connection is poor, go back to release and/or alignment steps again. Regular Groundwork to strengthen your channel.


• The answer comes later.

When the answer is not clear:

• You have to grow into the answer.

• You need to revisit your question.



Step 5: Ending

Grounding the information into this reality.


E1. Disconnect from Non Ordinary Reality • If you have journeyed, make sure you exit the journey properly e.g. • Leave the sacred garden and close the door to that reality. • Journey back from upper or lower world. • Time travel back to the present moment. • If you have merged with Spirit Ally, unmerge. • Take some time to bring yourself back to your body by rubbing your feet, hands and face. • Drink some water.


• Honor your Spirit Allies by: – Recording guidance even if it does not make sense. – You can draw, write or type. – Details can be important. – Date your guidance so you can refer back to it. – Write the question next to the guidance.

E2. Record the Divination


Thank all the Spirit Allies you have invoked. • Offer something to them especially if you have not done so at the beginning e.g. flowers, seeds, prayer of gratitude. • Ask them to leave. • Put away all the sacred tools used e.g. blow out the candle. • Dismantle any physical forms that were created e.g. Sweep away the seeds.

E3. Closing the Sacred Space •


E4. Grounding Back into this Reality • Make sure you are grounded into this reality. – Drink water.

– Eat food. – Shower.

– Go for a walk. – Go to nature.

• Before leaving your physical space, you can shield yourself with a bubble of light.

• If the journey has been intense, cleanse the space with vodka and Epsom salts.

How do you know you are not grounded? – You have difficulty functioning in this world. You bump into objects. You lose your temper. You forget appointments. More grounding and balancing work: – Wayne Cook. – Electromagnetically balance your chakras. – Put your feet in hot water and then cold water. Alternate back and forth. – Touch the earth. – Eat something heavy and oily. – Draw.


• Read your guidance. Guidance can be symbolic or literal. • What is the advice? • Ask for 2 other confirmations. • You may need to do the divination several times. • Monologue: • If I follow this guidance…. • If I don’t follow this guidance … • Remember you are the director of your own life. 41

E5. Integration

E6: Using Divination For Spiritual And Personal Growth Your power will depend upon how well you integrate the material from your journeys. Integrity: keeping your words and your actions in alignment. Integrating the lessons that you are learning. Internalizing the changes that you experience. Implementing the content of your journeys.

E7. Review • Review your guidance at least once a year, if not more often. • Where are you accurate? • Where are you not accurate? What blocked your channel? • How does your guidance come through? • What are your strengths? Your weakness? • What can you do to improve your channel?


E7. Review • Has guidance helped your life? brought forth your wisdom, love and power? followed guidance, then go back to release. Why are you doing this? • Has guidance • If you have not


Divination does not dissolve our personal karma.

1. You are never alone. 2. Find your own ways of connecting to your Spirit Allies.


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