Connecting to Invisble Sources of Power

1. Repetitive Sounds: Drumming, Rattling. Binaural beats. 2. Voice: Power Songs. Chanting mantras. Humming. Toning. Prayer. 3. Breath: Different breath patterns for different purposes: Charge energy field. Calm the mind. Relax the body. 4. Light: Connecting and calling the light. Sun. Moon. 5. Postures: Surrender Posture. 6. Visualization: Going to the Sacred Garden. Journey to the Upper World. Lower World. 7. Teaching fromWinter Solstice: Silence. Solitude. Stillness. Darkness. 8. Body Movement: Power Animal Dance. 9. Focusing the Mind: Candlelight. Meditation. 27

Some Methods of Going into Nonordinary States of Consciousness

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