King's Business - 1963-05

This Blind “Mona Lisa' Needs Your Help

“■^ a T ho is whosoever? ” Bill asked * » his friend Carl who had audi­ bly read John 3:16: . . Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Bill was talking to his friend about receiving Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Carl had not caught the real meaning of that wonderful word whosoever. “How many does whosoever mean; does it mean everyone?” Bill asked. “I am sure that it does,” Carl re­ plied, “Would that also mean you?,” Bill continued. Carl looked intently at the word, whosoever and earnestly answered, “I believe it does.” Who are these whosoevers referred to in John 3:16? Are they a select few who have had the blessing of Christian parents and the influence of a church since childhood? Are they only those who have had a friend who was personally interested in them and helped them to accept this wonderful way of life? Are they only those who have been bom in a Chris­ tian country where the gospel is heard through every possible means of communication? Are some excluded by chance or the whims of circumstances? Are some excluded because they had the mis­ fortune of being bom of the wrong parents or in an unfavorable loca­ tion? This word whosoever means that all are included. What brought Carl into this thrill­ ing satisfying way of life when there were others in the same community who continued carelessly on their lost way? Why are we included? Certain­ ly we did not deserve this distinction. We had done nothing to gain God’s favor. We had sinned and were in disfavor with Him. God did some­ thing for you and me that made us recipients of this great blessing. God loved us and gave us His Son. We have a part in including others. We may include those who have never heard or understood the won­ derful word, whosoever, and realized that it also included them. Let us thank God that it included us. Let us join heart and voice to tell other “whosoevers” that they are included.

Her faint smile . . . her patience . . . her quiet tears . . . tell you this young “Mona Lisa” from India is more than a painting. She is flesh and bones—alive—and totally blind. Vinodamma was still a baby when her mother died. Then when she was five, she became sick—and the ill­ ness left her in darkness. Now five years have passed. Still, she has an inner glow—a warmth— that “sees” life without the help of eyes. But in Southern India a blind girl doesn’t have much of a future. Except maybe begging on a street corner, or worse . . . Vinodamma’s one hope: attend the school for the blind in Bangalore, learn braille, and develop skills to bring light into her mind. But she needs a friend to make this possible. You can “adopt” Vinodamma, or another youngster just as desperate. You will receive the child’s picture, personal history, the experience of exchanging letters and Christmas cards.

$10 a month may not be much to you—to Vinodamma it is enough to make a down payment on a future. And she is only one of thousands waiting for sponsors. Choose any of the 55 countries listed. Share your happiness with a child of tragedy. COUNTRIES: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bor­ neo, Brazil, Burma, Cameroun, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Costa Rica, Egypt, Eng­ land, Finland, France, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Lapland, Lebanon, Macao, Malaya, Mexico, Nigeria, Northern Rho­ desia, Okinawa, Pakistan, Paraguay, Phil­ ippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Scotland. Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, Repub­ lic of; Spain, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay, United States (Indian, Negro, White), Vietnam, West­ ern Germany.

For Informationwrite: Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’S FUND, INC. Richmond 4, Virginia

I wish to “adopt” a boy □ girl □ for one year in________________________ (Name Country) I cannot “adopt” child but want to help by giving $___________ I will pay $10 a month ($120 a year). Enclosed is payment for full year □ first month □ . Please send me child’s name, story, ad­ dress, picture. I understand I can cor­ respond with child, and there is no obligation to continue adoption.

Please send me more information □ NAME___________________ ________ ADDRESS-_____________________ CITY___________________ ZONE STATE____________________________ GIFTS OF ANY AMOUNT ARE WELCOME. Gifts are deductible from U.S. and Canadian in* come taxes. Canadians should write: Christian Children’s Fund of Canada, 1139 Bay Street, Toronto 5.

MAY, 1963


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