King's Business - 1963-05


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perience as he traverses the varigated pathway of soul winning. At the very first he is confronted with the chap­ ter title, “Stillborn Men,” in which he declares, “When 50 percent of church members appear to be life­ less, something is wrong with the modem theory and practice of con­ version.” The balance of the book deals with the theological content of the subjects of Salvation and Evan­ gelism, concluding with practical methods of integrating the results into a permanent Christian society which we call the church. In a few areas of the book, the terminology used would have a differ­ ent connotation to some from that which the author would convey, but it is definitely a fresh approach to the subject and takes its place as a solid contribution to the literature in the field of evangelism, vii, 198 pag­ es; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville: $3.75. — Reviewed by Kenneth B. Daniels, Christian Service Depart­ ment, Biola College. THESE ARE M Y PEOPLE By Harold S. Bender The book does not deal with a new subject — its theme is an old one as designated by the sub-title, “The Na­ ture of the Church and Its Disciple- ship According to the New Testa­ ment.” The first chapter, largely doc­ trinal in nature, is relatively unin­ spiring though informative. The sec­ ond chapter increases interest as the author deals with the church as the body of Christ. The last three are absorbing as with penetrating insight the author inquires into the meaning of the fellowship of the church and examines substitutes for it. He deals firmly but kindly and Biblically with the responsibility of each member to the total church program. In addition to the main thrust of the book are several illuminating and thought-provoking insights. For ex­ ample, he answers the old question of how denominations can be useful in the Lord’s work. He speaks of the real work of the Spirit in a congregation’s life as opposed to that which is often called the work of the Spirit in certain Protestant groups. In format and style the book is well done. The quotations and allusions are


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For many years, hundreds of ques­ tions have been sent to Dr. Rice; and he has answered many of them through the media of radio, maga­ zine, and public address. This selec­ tion includes the most important of them, covering twenty-four categories. Books like this are valuable around the house, as such questions often arise. One will not always be satis­ fied with the answers given, but in­ sight will be gained into many by a perusal of this volume and others like it. Dr. Rice is perhaps overly cautious in some areas, as some would see it, but is very outspoken in oth­ ers. Great doctrinal questions are plainly answered with fidelity to the revealed Word of God. Salvation by faith alone is clearly insisted upon, repentance being seen as a part of the step of faith. There is a textual index, but the subject index is only a listing of the questions under their respective subjects. — 367 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Wheaton, 111.; $3.96. PASTORAL EVANGELISM By Samuel Southard A fresh approach to the subject of evangelism has been brought to the Christian public by Samuel Southard through his new book on Pastoral Evangelism. Within the scope of ap­ proximately two hundred pages, he discusses different problems that in­ variably confront the pastor who at­ tempts to evangelize his community through different facets of the church organization. While perusing the pages of this well-written treatise, the reader is im­ pressed with the Scriptural bias of the author, which is to his credit. With­ out any attempt to write disparaging­ ly of popular evangelists of this or the past generation, the author un­ folds great possibilities of evangelistic work on the local level through hu­ man resources developed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. A quick survey of chapter headings promises the reader a rewarding ex­


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