King's Business - 1911-04

Our work department alone during the first'week of February brought lis iiitourti v with eight young men, and five definitely accepted Christ. We are usually seeking employment for ä dozen young men from 14 to 20 years of age and occasionally for one or t^vo worthy men who are older. Work is very scarce. Pray and help us to secure it for these boys that we may con- tinue to have this opportunity to bring them in touch with Jesus Christ. During the month of February "there was an- at- tendance of 120 at thgi* Detention Home. We met there and at the Qfläce fifty-nine new cases, twenty-one of whom professed Christ. We found Big Brothers for five, work for five and supplied five with bi- cycles. We desire the prayers of those who are_ interested in children, their bwn or others, as the wayward boys and girls exert ' a great influence on all child life, and their salvation may bear a close relation to some whom maiiy of us hold dear. We will be glad to inform anyone more fully about this work for needy, incor- rigible and delinquent boys and girls. Address Big Brother Work, 262%.S. Main St.. Los Angeles, Calif. OUR SPANISH WORK. During the last three months ending January 31st, 1911, since the publication of the annual report of the Spanish Mis- sion, 184 gospel meetings, open air and indoor, were conducted with a total at- tendance of'5158, Between three and four thousand tracts were distributed and 140 gospels and 25 New Testaments were given away, besides other Christian literature; 120 house to house visits and 17 hospital visits were made. Beside the above 6 cottage meetings 24 Bible classes, 1 preaching service and 5 other meetings were conducted elsewhere than ,at the Mission. Düring this time. 90 persons professed the Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray for this work. The need is great. The Fishermen's Club has never done a better work than that accomplished the last month when the members placed 40,- 000 of the leaflets " A Word for the Times, '' in the homes of Los Angeles. Evangelist J. R. Pratt is in Portland at present writing, holding Union meetings with the Presbyterian churches. He is having good results, although the ground has been recently burnt over by a large evangelistic campaign. Elliott Barrett, under the auspices of the Fishermen's Club, held a successful series of meetings among the young people in Highlands. He is now engaged in ¡i similar series at Fullerton, Cal. .

Lesson XVU.—April 30. THE LIVING BREAD. Jno. 6:41-59.

The sixth of John is the Bread chapter. Twelve times the Lord speaks of Himself as the Bread of Life. This is also the great chapter on assurance of salvation. <1) The Proclamation Concerning the Bread • (Vs. 48). "I am t h at Bread of Life." The Lord Jesus is the storehouse of eternal life; it is housed up in Him. Out of God all is b a r- ren, dead, lifeless, a waste, a vast wilder- ness. Out of Christ God is a consuming Are, Heb. 12:29. In Christ He is the life of men, Phil. 1:21. (2) The Properties of Living Bread (Vs. 50- 61). It is heavenly and eternal. It is the Bread f r om heaven; therefore one mu st be capaci- tated for the use of this Bread by being born from heaven; born from above, Jno. 3:3. (3) How to Procure the Living Bread (Vs. . 47). It is to be taken as a gift, to be eaten, to be appropriated. It is water offered to •the thirsty, bread to the hungry. F r om God's side He constrains. Of His own will begat H e us, Jas. 1:18. All t h at the F a t h er giveth me shall come unto me, Jno. 6:37. No m an can come to me except the F a t h er d r aw him, Jno. 6:44. F r om ma n 's side he is moved of- his own volition. Every man which seeth the Son and believeth, Jno. 6:40. He t h at h a th heard and learned, Jno. 6:4a. Life is by looking, believing, receiv- ing. No man who comes will ever be cast ôutj Jno. 6:3. (4) The Product of the Living Bread (Vs. 53-57). . , , Bread is the essential food for the body. All elements for body building are combined in bread. We never tire of bread. E a t- ing and drinking are homely suggestive phrases. H e re they portray the most in- timate contact with and dependence upcn the incarnate Son of God as a sacrifice. Life is sustained by feeding. Having ob- tained life through Christ, we mu st feed upon*' H im t h at the life m ay be sustained. Our new life is supernatural and needs supernatural food. You cannot sustain this new life by natural food. Many things which minister to the- development of mind and morals are of no value as spiritual food. The life of the Father was in the Son and the Son lived in and by the Father, Verse 57. So the life of the believer is f r om the Son and is sustained by his abiding con- tact with the Son. The flesh and blood of the sacrificed Son of God stand in the same relation to our souls t h at food does to our body. We mu st meditate upon the Word of God, we mu st appropriate all of the work which H e has wrought for us, we mu st feed upon a crucified Christ. INSTITUTE ITEMS. The Big Brother Boys' Home is starting in a small way. Mr. and Mrs. Fairman have taken one boy under their care and they, the boy and his widowed mother are all well pleased. The lad definitely and willingly accepted Christ after being with us two or three weeks. We have met with several other boys who needed to be placed in such a- home, but we were unable to take them owing to lack of beds and funds to care for the boys: The needs are gradu- ally being furnished, but we need $10.00 per month for each boy we undertake to care for. Pray with us that the support for a number of boys may soon be sup- plied.

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