King's Business - 1911-04

to know. The word, wit, and the kindred word, wisdom, arte from- the same • root and convey, originally. the same, meaning.. Ajj witness is one who has wit, that is, knowledge. He knows and hp tells what he knoSvs; and without this knowledge the, telling is; not- witnessing. The first thing a soul winner needs to ask of God is therefore, an assur- ance of his own saved state So that he can approach others and say, "I "know whom I have bejieved arid am persuaded that He is able to 'keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." 2 Tim'. 1:12.

Christ and Antichrist. By Philip Mauro.

Ì T will help in clarifying our view "of the confused state of modern society, and will aid'in fixing the main facts in our minds, if we consider that human beings are at the, present time bein'g gathered into, two great bodies. One is , the Body of Christ ("the Church whiqh is His Body,'; Eph. 1:22/23), The other is the body of Antichrist. Two great and antagonistic spiritual forces are engaged respectively' in the formation of these two bodies.; namely,, the Spirit, of God, .who is forming the body^of.. Christ, and, Satam. the "spirit of :$he wtìfld" (1 Cor. 2 :12), who'is forming the. body of" Antichrist. The Body whi,ch is being formed by the Spirit of God is t^.e Church of the Jiving Gph; for "by one .Spirit afe we alj (that, is, all-ijelieversj) baptized into one body, whether* we. be • J e w s ' t i l e s , whether, we be bond or free"- ,(,1- Cor. T ^ i ^ j B c f t j ^ ^ h^ caught out of the earth to be ramteqi.ta Christ, itsjlmiìg Hea^.'àg - j p l a ^j foretold in 1 Thess, 4:13, 17. §U ^ ,, n '<-, .„ r ,> ... But the "spirit of the world'* is likewise iqnitning a fepdy, bjngathering together, federating, or unifying,. ;thè mass of - men" "who know not God, and who obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Chiipt"' ;(2 -^¿legs.. 1 , ^ . This is the present enterprise of "the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience" (Eph. 2 \2\. The "teaching of Scripture that there is a mighty spirit concealed beneath the surface of events, and influencing all those whose thoughts are not brought wholly into cap- tivity to the obedience of Christ, furnishes' an adequate explanation of the prominence of the same ideals and impulses in communities that are remote and diverse one from another. Otherwise, these startling facts are inexplicable.. But Satan cannot work out his plan of forming a consolidated hu- manity according to the method employed by the Spirit of God. The Church of, God is: built upon the foundation o f Jesus Christ, thè Son of the Living God (Matt. 16:18); crucified for the sin of the world, and raised from the dead by the glory of the Father. God began the forma- tion of'the Churck, which is the Body'of Christ, by raising Him from amtfng the dead, seating Him at His own right hand in the heavenlies,

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