Source: thuthuzela-care-centres-speech/
a conviction rate of 77 per cent was obtained for cases reported at Thuthuzela Care Centres. The Department of Social Development has established a National Emergency Response Team to offer trauma debriefing in emergency situations.
As it stands, out of 52 districts across the country, 45 have at least one GBV shelter and 85 percent of these are government funded. We will do more to ensure that the remaining districts without shelters are capacitated. The Gender-Based Violence Command Centre has been further capacitated with a new facility that can accommodate more personnel.
Expanding the network of Thuthuzela Care Centres was one of the commitments we made at the 2018 Presidential Summit. Since the National Strategic Plan was adopted, we have opened more new centres around the country. Another centre will be opened in Limpopo later this month. This will add to the increase of Thuthuzela Care Centres across the country. Apart from being places of refuge and support, these centres are proving effective in improving conviction rates. In the last financial year, a conviction rate of 77 per cent was obtained for cases reported at Thuthuzela Care Centres.
Dec 2022| Collective Action Magazine
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