Collective Action Magazine, at the Presidential Summit on GBVF 2, spoke to Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane about her response to GBVF. Women
Minister: The Department is at the helm of steering the coordination and institutionalisation of the NSP across government and society at large. As the custodian, our contribution to the process is aligned with the department’s overall vision to provide strategic leadership, coordination, and oversight to government departments and the country in mainstreaming empowerment programmes for women, youth, and persons with disabilities. We have achieved this by ensuring that the Annual Performance Plans (APPs) of the Department infuse the NSP and that it is resourced within the baselines of the Department. We Report monthly on progress in implementing the NSP. We are also spearheading the establishment of Rapid Response Teams comprising various professionals and training of councillors in localizing the NSP. Furthermore, the Department ensured that the NSP is infused into the District Development Model (DDM). Hazel: What role does your ministry play in GBVF response as guided by the NSP on GBVF?
photo by: Thando Gazide- DWYPD
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