The Institute for security studies is an Africa-wide Policy Research Institute, we support the development of positive policy, and undertake research in the field of human security in South Africa. My team and I are working very hard to support the prevention of violence through the convening of the community, national, and provincial violence prevention forums. We bring together government officials, NGO implementers, development partners, people from the private sector, and the research community, to figure out how best we can use the knowledge and the evidence that we have to prevent violence in our country. Institute for Security Studies and Violence Prevention Forum
violence prevention
NSP on GBVF Pillar 3 Convenor
Reporting on their achievements at the Summit, Pillar 3 attributed its success to the positive energy and drive of the pillar members. From May 2020 to date, the pillar managed to have six bills before Parliament. Furthermore, the bills will help shape the justice system to be more victim-centric.
Dec 2022 | Collective Action Magazine
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