PRABASHNI SUBRAYAN NAIDOO Attorney | Director Subrayan Naidoo Attorneys Based on the outcomes of the Summit, my perception is that there needs to be more focus on children, with a lot of emphasis on the LGBTQI Community, and we will make great headway in ensuring that all voices are heard within End GBVF Collective
Special Advisor to the Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
ADV. MIKATEKO JOYCE MALULEKE Director General: Ministry of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
In the conversation around GBV and women's empowerment, we do not leave men out of the conversations because they are also responsible for the empowerment of women, and partners to end GBVF. There have been calls for the creation of a 7th Pillar for children. This was debated extensively when the NSP was developed, the Pillars of the NSP on GBVF are structured around focus areas rather than stakeholder groups, the intersections between GBVF and Violence Against Children find expression in Pillars 2, 4, and 6. Partners representing children’s organisations could consider workstreams dedicated to children’s interests as these relate to GBVF within these Pillars.
Dec 2022 | Collective Action Magazine
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