A special thank you
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A special thank you to the President of South Africa, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa, for hosting and spearheading the Presidential Summit on GBVF 2; UN Women for the special funding and enabling this edition; Ford Foundation, the Presidential Summit on GBVF 2 Communication Working Group for choosing this edition as an official publication for the 2022 Presidential Summit on GBVF 2, and End GBVF Collective for this collaborative vision. A special mention to H.E. Monica Geingos, First Lady, the Republic of Namibia, in her capacity as President of the Organisation of African First Ladies, representing the mothers of the continent. Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane from the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities; Aleta Miller, UN Women Multi-Country Representative; and Elizabeth Dartnall from Sexual Violence Research Initiative, thank you for the warm conversations. Much gratitude goes to all organisations and collaborators who have partnered with us to make this edition possible. To all the individuals and organisations that attended the Summit that allowed us to interview them, we say thank you. We appreciate and value all the roleplayers within End GBVF Collective - Implementing the National Strategic Plan on GBVF - working together to eradicate GBVF
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Thank you
Dec 2022 | Collective Action Magazine
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