BKCW Employee Survey Kit

KATELYNN SMITH B e n e f i t s C o n s u l t a n t


As a benef i ts consul tant at BKCW, Katelynn helps organizat ions by providing a complete and superior benef i ts package to current as wel l as new cl ients. Her mission is to give organizat ions the tools and resources necessary to help educate and engage employees about their heal thcare plans. Through educat ion and engagement , Katelynn bel ieves and has proven that organizat ions can take more control and lower their premium expendi ture. Katelynn started her career wi th BKCW in 2017. She bel ieves that BKCW has a leading edge on the compet i t ion because of the high- qual i ty nature of the solut ions avai lable, the company’s dedicat ion to engaging employees, as wel l as BKCW’s abi l i ty to provide the best customer service in the industry. It is the cul t ivat ion of these i tems that makes Katelynn so passionate about present ing these solut ions to companies in the Central Texas Region. Katelynn is a nat ive Oklahoman and graduated from the Universi ty of Oklahoma. Prior to working at BKCW, Katelynn worked as a sales representat ive for a HRIS solut ion where she was able to learn valuable informat ion about HR, compl iance, payrol l , and benef i ts, as wel l as become an expert on the inner workings of the HR Technology sector . Katelynn also enjoys travel ing abroad, bal let , gol f , spending t ime wi th fami ly and friends, and watching Thunder Basketbal l .

"Making Insurance Fun & Easy to Understand"


k.smi th@bkcw.com

(405) 306-4557

2001 N. Lamar Blvd Aust in, TX 78705


BOARD MEMBER 2019- Present Central Compensat ion & Benef i ts Associat ion MEMBER 2017- Present Aust in Human Resource Management Associat ion


MEMBER 2017- Present Aust in Associat ion of Heal th Underwri ters MEMBER 2017- Present Nat ional Associat ion of Heal th Underwri ters MEMBER 2017- Present Texas Associat ion of Heal th Underwri ters SPEAKER January 2019 Benef i ts Advisors Network Winter Conference

BKCW Insurance, Risk Management & Benef i ts is an industry leading provider of insurance products in the State of Texas. Passionate about improving our cl ient ’s businesses, BKCW designs, implements and manages programs that best support their strategic direct ion. BKCW strives to provide the best customer service, technology, and educat ion in the industry. In a world that is heavi ly focused on transact ional business, BKCW strives to separate i tsel f by inst i l l ing the organizat ion’s focus on being more relat ional . BKCW does not treat their customers l ike cl ients, but rather as fami ly. BKCW has been recognized by I IABA as a Best Pract ices agency for seventeen consecut ive years, by the Aust in Business Journal as top 5 insurance brokerage, and by Insurance Journal as the Best Agency to Work for in the South Central Region.

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