BKCW Employee Survey Kit


OBJECTIVE Hello and thank you for visiting BKCW's survey guide. We hope this resource is able to help you and your employees during this time and throughout the year. As an organization that prides ourselves on radical truth and transparency, we believe it is of the utmost importance to constantly be gauging employee's feedback and input. Throughout this survey guide, we hope you are able to find questions that can help steer conversations on important aspects of your organization that may need to be evaluated centered around employee engagement, wellness, communication, and benefits. Our hope is that you can take this as a starting point to better understand your employees and their well-being, and help you identify initiatives you are currently implementing that are working, as well as areas for improvement. In the long run, our goal is to help increase satisfaction among employees while making sure you are spending your precious dollars in ways that will make a larger impact.


Survey 1: COVID-19 Employer Check-In This survey is designed to understand employee's ability to effectively and efficiently complete their work, assess if they need any additional resources, and better understand if the employer can provide any additional help or offerings to employees. Survey 2: Employee Benefits Survey BKCW's best practices are to send out an employee survey on your benefit offerings 3-4 months before your benefits effective date. The data from the survey can help guide you to create benefit packages geared toward employee retention and satisfaction. It can also help determine if you are paying for services your employees may not find valuable. Survey 3: Exit Survey You would be surprised at how many companies do not gauge feedback on why an employee is leaving. This is a simple tool to better understand why an employee may be leaving and what you can do to help improve the experience of others at your organization.

k.smith@bkcw.com I 405-306-4557

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