Keysight Threat Simulator





Move beyond audit compliance to continuous optimization

Many enterprises already deploy vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. These serve valuable purposes including meeting audit requirements. But they are not continuous or automated, and they don’t perform well for testing endpoint or email

security, which is how many breaches start. Keysight Threat Simulator can help you predict whether a threat that does breach your systems could then spread through your network undetected, and it can determine whether your firewalls or data loss prevention system can spot sensitive information leaving your network. With Threat Simulator, you can measure the effectiveness of your security controls and demonstrate that you can prevent an attack. You can use it to track prevention and detection scores for your existing security tools over

How does Threat Simulator help enterprises to reduce risk? Keysight worked with a global food and beverage manufacturer that asked us to measure their internal firewall performance. Although our customer had a competent SecOps team and was using a well-known firewall vendor, they previously had been unable to accurately assess the effectiveness of their security controls or calibrate their firewall configurations against real-world traffic.

a period of time and across different environments. Threat Simulator also

provides high-level recommendations to eradicate threats so that if they do strike, you will have a tested response plan in place.

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